A strong community is particularly important during this time of crisis, and the Town Common hopes to connect our many civic organizations to help them find the best way to contribute. After brief presentation, voters approved the article. The Town Common Task Force (TCTF) is organizing our next civic gathering to give us an opportunity to impact Winchester’s future. 9:24 p.m.: Motion 42 passes. May 14, 2019 7:00 pm - May 14, 2019 9:00 pm, Tell the Story of Winchester During COVID-19, about Tell the Story of Winchester During COVID-19, Coronavirus Information from the Winchester Board of Health (March 20, 2020), about Coronavirus Information from the Winchester Board of Health (March 20, 2020), Civic Gathering With Winchester Youth: Strengthening Our Community, about Civic Gathering With Winchester Youth: Strengthening Our Community, Civic Gathering: Winchester's Master Plan, about Civic Gathering: Winchester's Master Plan, about Civic Gathering #6: October 17, 2018, The Massachusetts Cultural Council COVID-19 resource page, http://www.wmcn.org/civic-gathering-6-connecting-anew-for-a-caring-and-inclusive-community/, http://winchester.wickedlocal.com/news/20181018/winchester-welcomes-new-town-manager-and-her-seven-week-old-baby. Town of Randolph 41 South Main Street, Randolph, MA 02368 Phone: (781) 961-0900 Website Disclaimer Government Websites by CivicPlus ®. Annual Town Meeting Warrant 1.5K likes. 8:51 p.m.: Historical Commission chairman Jack LeMenager discusses Article 2, which seeks to amend a demolition of historic buildings by-law. Let's keep a record of what we're going through in this unprecedented time. Sessions begin at 6:00 p.m. Special town meetings may be called at other times by the Board of … The new site was launched earlier this year. 8:27 p.m.: Opening remarks by various boards and committees conclude. The Meeting will be held outside in the field behind the Florence Roche Elementary School. All are welcome and encouraged to attend! 9:58 p.m.: Article 13 passes. 8:34 p.m.: Article 24 passes. If you have access to a computer or smartphone with internet here are some helpful resources: We in Winchester—along with the whole world—are working to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. 10:18 p.m.: Meeting adjourned until May 6. The Jenks Center, 109 Skillings Rd. 10:10 p.m.: Early reaction to the Article 3? Upcoming Town Meetings The Fall 2020 Town Meeting will be held beginning Saturday, October 3rd, 2020 at 10:00 AM. 5. In an election, the candidates and any referendum questions are known well in advance of the date. The Town Common is a non-partisan, community based organization whose sole mission is to be of service to Winchester in building a caring and inclusive community. 8:10 p.m.: Mid-way through the voting on the 47 motions. The town has established a website as a center for information about the disease and our response to it, at winchester.us/coronavirus. After three sessions, Winchester Town Meeting came to a close shortly before 9 p.m. Monday at Winchester High School in the Auditorium. The Town Common is a non-partisan, community based organization whose goal is to provide actual and virtual gathering spaces to promote respectful listening, critical thinking, and constructive conversation; inspire community action and engagement; and facilitate connection, collaboration and individual and organizational initiative. 9:25 p.m.: Motion 43 passes. 8:55 p.m.: Town Meeting goes into recess until 9:15 p.m. 9:22 p.m.: Motion 40 passes. By the time of European migration, their population had been decimated by disease and warfare with the Abenaki tribe of Maine. 7:42 p.m.: Finance Committee and Selectmen chairmen provide opening remarks. Amendment fails, 87-59. Town of Winchester, MA, Winchester, Massachusetts. 8:33 p.m.: Article 23 presented by Howard, who recommended indefinite postponement. To contribute, visit winpublib.org/covid19project. The motion calls for $300,000 for DPW roads and sidewalk improvements. authoritative information about closures and postponements; guidance on gatherings of young people during school closures; updates from School Superintendent Judith Evans, Town Manager Lisa Wong, and other town departments; helpful links from the state and Federal governments and elsewhere. At a town meeting, on the other hand, no one can predict with certainty what motions or amendments may be proposed on town meeting floor. 8:22 p.m.: Board of Health chairman Jessica Fefferman provided brief remarks on behalf of the board. The article included three motions for: 9:43 p.m.: Article 9 passes. 9:59 p.m.: Article 3, which seeks to add Chapter 18 about public shade trees, is presented. 10:04 p.m.: Article 3 is open for discussion. 9:23 p.m.: Motion 41 passes. The article seeks to raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, sums of money to defray the expenses of the Recreation Department for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013, and to appropriate and transfer free cash into the Recreation Enterprise Account. The article seeks to appropriate a sum of money for the gas conversion at McCall Middle School, consisting of the installation of piping in the school building, on the school property, and on the street, replacement and installation of equipment, and including planning, design, engineering, and any other costs incidental or related thereto; to determine whether this appropriation shall be raised by a transfer from free cash, borrowing, or transfer from unspent bond proceeds, or any combination of the foregoing or otherwise. Town Manager Richard Howard and the Board of Selectmen oppose the amendment. 7:37 p.m.: Roughly a dozen new Town Meeting are sworn-in by Town Moderator John Sullivan. Come and participate in the shaping of Winchester’s Master Plan. Native Americans were the first to settle along the rivers and ponds in the area now known as Winchester. The position shall perform a variety of administrative, technical, clerical, and public assistance duties to provide support in the operations, procedures and activities of the Town … The Town of Natick, operating as a Representative Town Meeting-Selectmen-Town Administrator form of government, convenes 2 annual Town Meetings - once in spring and once in the fall. They spoke the Algonquin language and were part of the Massachuset tribe, whose land stretched from Plymouth to Salem and west of Concord. Town of Leicester, 3 Washburn Square, Leicester, MA 01524 Phone: (508) 892-7000 - Fax: (508) 892-7070 Photo Courtesy of Joe Dolen Photography Website Disclaimer | Government Websites by CivicPlus ®. Please feel free to contact us with your comments and suggestions. 9:30 p.m.: Article 7 introduced. 7:43 p.m.: Article 20 passed. Capital Budget Request Summary; 5-yr Financial Projection; Proposed Zoning Bylaw Changes- re-Marijuana Establishments; Annual Town Meeting Warrant ; FY 2018 Annual Town Meeting May 11, 2017. Town of Westborough MA 34 West Main St., Westborough, MA 01581 (508) 871-5100 FAX: (508) 366-3099 8:01 p.m.: Town Manager Richard Howard provides a general overview of the issues facing the town. The article, if passed, … The Official Call to Order will be 7:30 p,m, Public is welcome to view on cable through WinCam. 8:08 p.m.: One resident spoke in opposition to the bill, while another questioned the need for it. A few items he discussed were the town's interest in a reverse 911 system, and maintaining reserve accounts of 6-10 percent. The Winchester Archival Center is collecting submissions of photos, videos, essays or other items that will help tell the story of our coronavirus experiences. Grounded in respect for all, our primary focus is to provide actual and virtual gathering spaces. Many of these are still pertinent. How is COVID-19 changing your world? 8:28 p.m.: Multiple residents opposed to the amendment. Voters approved continuing a revolving fund in accordance with Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 44, Section53E½ in order to receive monies, grants or gifts and fees charged for the synthetic turf field permits sponsored by the Field Management Committee, and further, to authorize the School Committee and Athletic Director to administer and expend funds received for maintenance and salaries for Knowlton Turf Field permits and funds be limited to $50,000 in fiscal 2014, any remaining funds will remain in this account and not rolled into the General Fund at close of the fiscal year. 12 Noon – 500C East Street, Mansfield Highway Garage To pay for these projects, money will come from the Not connected with or endorsed by the Town Common. Watch it at this link. October 2020 Special Town Meetings to begin on Monday October 26, 2020.; 2021 Annual Town Meeting to begin in April 2021. For the Spring Town Meeting, the Moderator released some information about the meeting logistics. 7:42 p.m.: A Winchester resident seeks to have an interim town moderator step in for Sullivan given the fact that Sullivan is the article's proponent. Town Meeting is the governing body for the Town of Natick. 7:30 p.m.: The second Town Meeting kicks off. 8:55 p.m.: Article 28 and 29 were indefinitely postponed. Staff Contacts WINCHESTER - Town Meeting passed two motions under Article 18 to fund various projects supported by the Capital Planning Committee. The Annual Town Election is held the 1st Monday in May. To hear and act upon the reports of the town officers and the Finance Committee. The population was 21,374 at the 2010 United States Census. Town Manager Richard Howard called the $100,000 contribution as "reasonable" amount to the Other Post Employment Benefits liability trust fund. 8:11 p.m.: Planning Board chairman Lance Grenzeback provides brief remarks about issues facing the town, including the CVS proposal. 9:53 p.m.: Article 12 passes. 7:52 p.m.: School Committee member Chris Nixon, who was reelected to the board this year, provided brief remarks about how the district is fairing in various areas. (This CDC video helps explain the need for such drastic measures.) Town of Winchester, MA, Winchester, Massachusetts. 1.6K likes. The motion calls for $125,000 for ADA. What if Winchester created a unique opportunity for youth to add their voice to important community conversations, especially those that matter most to them? Economic Development Commission Regular Meeting. Town of Winchester 8522 Park Way Larsen, Wisconsin 54947. 9:29 p.m.: Motions 44-47 pass. The annual town meeting is held on the first Monday in April of every year. 8:28 p.m.: A 20-minute recess is called by the town moderator to allow precincts to choose chairmen and clerks. Voters approved continuing a revolving fund in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44 Section 53E½ in order to receive fees associated with the use of energy in school and municipal buildings; that funds derived from the assessment of fees for such use may be expended by authorization of the Town Manager for projects that conserve energy in the operation of the Town's buildings and that the amount of the fund be limited to $80,000 in fiscal 2014. LANCASTER - For the third time, changes have been made to the Town Meeting due to COVID-19, though the 14 articles being voted on remain the … Winchester Town Meeting Comes to an End Monday Night - Winchester, MA - Below is a recap from the three Town Meeting sessions at Winchester High School in the Auditorium. The article involved hearing and acting on the report of the Personnel Board and take any action in connection with recommendations as to wages and salaries, working conditions, new or revised rates of wages and salaries, changes, additions, adjustments or revisions of wages and salaries and in classifications and definitions, and in amending, revising and adding to the Personnel Policy Guide as well as in other matters thereto related; and to raise and appropriate money for any adjustments or revisions of wages and salaries of employees subject and not subject to collective bargaining agreements or in any job classifications, and to provide for salary or wage adjustments not otherwise provided for, said monies to be expended by the departments affected; determine in what manner the monies shall be raised by taxes or otherwise. WINCHESTER - Town Meeting chose to indefinitely postpone Article 11 dealing with the town’s code-of-bylaws on construction. … Information and updates on the Town of Winchester, Massachusetts 8:50 p.m.: Article 26 and Article 27 were passed by voters. The article seeks to appropriate $100,000 to the Special Education Stabilization Fund from the fiscal 2013 Education Budget Account. Watch it at this link. Special Town Meeting Warrant Jan. 4, 2020; Special Town Meeting Scorecard; Frequently Asked Questions on Articles 4 & 5; 2018 Town Appraisal of 1610/0 Main Street $745,000; 2019 Town Appraisal of 1610/0 Main Street $775,000; FY2021 Preliminary Assessed Value 1610/0 Main Street $503,900 December 22, 2020 - 7:00pm. Winchester residents Peter Engeldrum and Joyce Westner have produced a short film about Town Meeting—what it is and how it functions—as part of a series of educational videos about Winchester. Voters approve article. 9:45 p.m.: Selectman Lance Grenzeback states the boards position in favor of Article 2, saying it impacts "very few" residents but rather developers. Voters approved continuing a revolving fund in accordance with Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 44, Section 53E½, in order to receive monies, grants or gifts and fees charged for public health programs, such as clinics, sponsored by the Board of Health, and further, to authorize the Board of Health to administer and expend funds for these and related programs, such as medical services, up to a limit of $60,000 in fiscal 2014. Information and updates on the Town of Winchester, Massachusetts Salisbury has an open Town Meeting and registered voters assemble in May and October each year to vote in person on important Town business. 9:46 p.m.: Article 10 passes. Article 6 passes. (413) 565-4110 l Fax (413) 565-4112. The article sought to have the town authorize the Treasurer, with the approval of the Town Manager and the Board of Selectmen, to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of revenue for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 in accordance with Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 44, Section 4 as amended and to issue a note or notes therefore, payable within one year, and to renew any note or notes that may be given for a period of less than one year in accordance with the provisions of Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 44, Section 17. 7:35 p.m.: Posting of the colors by Girl Scouts. 7:30 p.m.: Town Meeting opens with a prayer for the Boston Marathon victims and former employees who have recently passed away. Winchester residents Peter Engeldrum and Joyce Westner have produced a short film about Town Meeting—what it is and how it functions—as part of a series of educational videos about Winchester. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Federal government has enacted a record relief bill, and may well take further action. The motion calls for $195,000 for Skillings culvert repairs. Phone: 920-836-2948 Email: [email protected] 8:25 p.m.: Both the Selectman and Finance Committee support favorable action for Article 22. This includes approving the budget, adopting and amending bylaws, making special appropriations and authorizing borrowing by the Town. The article, which consists of 47 motions that need to be voted on by attendees, concerns the fiscal 2014 operating budget. Spring Town Meeting 2020; TIPS for Fall Town Meeting 2020; Town of Bourne, 24 Perry Avenue, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532-3441 (508) 759-0600 Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Town Meeting approved, after some discussion, a Fiscal Year 2021 school budget of $56,013,376 at Thursday night’s session. The Historical Commission is over-stepping their authority, according to the residents. The article seeks to establish a committee appointed by the Town Moderator to draft a by-law that would specify what should be provided with the Town Manager's budget on Feb. 15 before Town Meeting. 20 Williams Street, Longmeadow, MA 01106. As a practical matter, absentee ballots at town meeting could not be effective as they are for elections. Login UPDATE Special Fall Town Meeting . The article seeks to see raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, sums of money to defray the expenses of the Water and Sewer Division of the Department of Public Works for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013, and to appropriate and transfer free cash into the Water Sewer Enterprise Account. To see if the town will vote to amend the Code of By-Laws by inserting a new Chapter 18 related to public shade trees, To see if the town will vote to establish a committee appointed by the Town Moderator to draft a by-law that would specify what should be provided with the Town Manager's budget on Feb. 15 before Town Meeting, To see if the town will vote to authorize the Treasurer, with the approval of the Town Manager and the Board of Selectmen, to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of revenue for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 in accordance with Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 44, Section 4 as amended and to issue a note or notes therefore, payable within one year, and to renew any note or notes that may be given for a period of less than one year in accordance with the provisions of Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 44, Section 17, To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, sums of money to, defray the expenses of the Town for the financial period beginning July 1, 2013 and especially for or relating to all or any of the officers, boards or departments and for all purposes authorized by law, vote to fix the salary and compensation of all elective officers of the Town as provided in Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 41, Section 108 as amended and to appropriate funds into the General Stabilization Fund, To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money to the Special Education Stabilization Fund in accordance with Section 5B of Chapter 40 of the Massachusetts General Laws, determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, or by any combination of these methods, To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money to the Capital Stabilization Fund and/or the Building Stabilization Fund established under Chapter 69 of the Acts of 2002, To see if the Town will raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, sums of money to defray the expenses of the Water and Sewer Division of the Department of Public Works for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013, and to appropriate and transfer free cash into the Water Sewer Enterprise Account, To see if the Town will raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, sums of money to defray the expenses of the Recreation Department for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013, and to appropriate and transfer free cash into the Recreation Enterprise Account, To see if the Town will vote to increase the fiscal 2013 Recreation Enterprise budget to reflect increased costs and revenues, and to reduce or increase the General Fund subsidy, and reduce or increase the use of retained earnings, To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money for the gas conversion at McCall Middle School, consisting of the installation of piping in the school building, on the school property, and on the street, replacement and installation of equipment, and including planning, design, engineering, and any other costs incidental or related thereto; to determine whether this appropriation shall be raised by a transfer from free cash, borrowing, or transfer from unspent bond proceeds, or any combination of the foregoing or otherwise, To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money for the investigation and evaluation of the gatehouse structure and low level outlet at the South Reservoir Dam, the design of the low level outlet rehabilitation and gatehouse improvements, including permitting costs and all other planning and engineering costs related to the development of construction plans for the project, and all other costs incidental or related thereto; to determine whether this appropriation shall be raised by borrowing or otherwise, To see if the Town will vote to appropriate or transfer a sum of money for the purpose of converting the current school administration office space at the Lynch Elementary School to classroom and other instructional space and for design, planning and consultant costs related thereto; and further to install air conditioning to those spaces at the Parkhurst School that will serve as office and work space for the school administration office personnel; to determine whether this appropriation shall be raised by borrowing, funded from the Capital or Building Stabilization Funds, transfer from the fiscal 2013 Education Budget, Free Cash or otherwise, To see if the Town will raise and appropriate any sums of money to be used with such sum or sums as may be made available from the State Highway Fund or allotted by the County Commissioners for maintenance, repair, alteration, relocation or other improvements of Town or County ways, together with the acquisition of easements for the payment of damages and expenses in connection therewith, as well as to authorize the transfer and use for said purposes of any unused balances, To see if the Town will vote to continue a revolving fund for the Archival Center in accordancewith Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44 Section 53 E½ in order to receive monies, grants, or gifts and fees associated with the sale of reproductions of historical items; that funds derived from the sale of such items be expended by authorization of the Town Manager and that the amount of the fund be limited to $5,000 in fiscal 2014, To see if the Town will vote to continue a revolving fund in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44 Section 53E½ in order to receive fees associated with the use of energy in school and municipal buildings; that funds derived from the assessment of fees for such use may be expended by authorization of the Town Manager for projects that conserve energy in the operation of the Town's buildings and that the amount of the fund be limited to $80,000 in fiscal 2014, To see if the Town will vote to continue a revolving fund in accordance with Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 44, Section 53E½, in order to receive monies, grants or gifts and fees charged for public health programs, such as clinics, sponsored by the Board of Health, and further, to authorize the Board of Health to administer and expend funds for these and related programs, such as medical services, up to a limit of $60,000 in fiscal 2014, To see if the Town will vote to continue a revolving fund in accordance with Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 44, Section 53E½ in order to receive monies, grants or gifts and fees charged for grass field permits sponsored by the Field Management Committee, and further, to authorize the Town Manager, based on recommendations by the Field Management Committee, to administer and expend funds received for natural grass, playgrounds, tennis and basketball permits and that the amount of the fund be limited to $50,000 in fiscal 2014, any remaining funds will remain in this account and not rolled into the General Fund at close of the fiscal year, To see if the Town will vote to continue a revolving fund in accordance with Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 44, Section53E½ in order to receive monies, grants or gifts and fees charged for the synthetic turf field permits sponsored by the Field Management Committee, and further, to authorize the School Committee and Athletic Director to administer and expend funds received for maintenance and salaries for Knowlton Turf Field permits and funds be limited to $50,000 in fiscal 2014, any remaining funds will remain in this account and not rolled into the General Fund at close of the fiscal year, To see if the Town will vote to appropriate or transfer from available funds to the "Other Post-Employment Benefits Liability Trust Fund" in order to reduce the unfunded actuarial liability of health care and other post-employment benefits for which the Town is obligated, To see if the Town will vote to reduce the rate of interest that accrues on property taxes deferred by eligible senior citizens and to amend the income level set for eligibility for the program under Massachusetts General Law Chapter 59 Section 5, Clause 41A, with such reduced rate to apply to taxes assessed for any fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2013, To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds a sum or sums of money to the General Stabilization Fund in accordance with the provisions Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40 Section 5B, To see if the town will vote to appropriate the sum of $994.50 to pay a bill incurred in a prior fiscal year to Chelmsford-based Merrimack Education Center and to determine how the same shall be raised and by whom expended, To see if the town will vote to hear and act on the report of the Personnel Board and take any action in connection with recommendations as to wages and salaries, working conditions, new or revised rates of wages and salaries, changes, additions, adjustments or revisions of wages and salaries and in classifications and definitions, and in amending, revising and adding to the Personnel Policy Guide as well as in other matters thereto related; and to raise and appropriate money for any adjustments or revisions of wages and salaries of employees subject and not subject to collective bargaining agreements or in any job classifications, and to provide for salary or wage adjustments not otherwise provided for, said monies to be expended by the departments affected; determine in what manner the monies shall be raised by taxes or otherwise, To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, a sum or sums of money to supplement or reduce appropriations previously voted for fiscal 2013 budgets, To see if the town will authorize and direct the Board of Assessors to take any sum of money from available funds to reduce the tax levy for the current financial term and/or transfer funds to or from the Stabilization Fund, To see if the town will vote to take appropriate or necessary actions to comply with the provisions of Massachusetts General Law Chapter 59 Section 21C, a law known as the "2½ Tax Limitation" or any State legislative acts or executive orders, To see if the town will vote to hear or accept committee reports, dissolve old committees, or authorize new committees, ‘This Unending Tragedy’: Nurse Spills Pain Of Lonely Death Watch, Mom's Cookie Recipe Brings Cheer To Sad Coronavirus Christmas, Winter Tutoring Bundles- Info Session via ZOOM, Virtual Seminar - Build Your Real Estate Investment Portfolio, Ready 4 Pickup - Like New Chrome Metal Canopy Bed - $549, Town Of Winchester: Temporary Executive Order, Massachusetts Homeowner’s Guide To Cleaning Ducts And Vents, Winchester: Don't Miss These 4 Open Houses, Salvation Army Says Christmas Red Kettle Donations Down By Half, Assistant principals at Lincoln, Muraco and Vinson Owen Schools (0.5 FTE each), Nurse/guidance counselor at McCall Middle School/Winchester High School, Appropriate $286,000 to the Capital Stabilization Fund, Appropriate $180,000 to the Building Stabilization Fund, Appropriate $30,000 to the Building Stabilization. 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