So is the first picture H. fasciata? 65°F/18°C - 80°F/26°C temperatures are very good and not much below 50°F/10°C. While a few dried leaves at the bottom are normal, many wrinkled and dried out and “crispy” looking leaves are a sign your zebra plant is getting too much sun. They also produce pups (offsets) that can be removed from the mother plant and replanted. If it still feels a bit moist, wait a few more days. Haworthia attenuata can survive for extended periods of scant rainfall due to this ability. Haworthia attenuata, commonly called zebra plant, is one of about 60 species in the Haworthia genus (Haworthia spp. Aunque todo el mundo tiene una attenuata etiquetada como fasciata. Haworthia attenuata multiplies prolifically by offsetting. Haworthia are slow growers, but when they do outgrow their pot, re-pot them in the spring or early summer into a new container with fresh potting soil. Growing Haworthia Attenuata In Your Home. The many tubercles give the plant a silvery appereance. A fast-draining, porous soil mix can help prevent Haworthia from rotting. Calathea. Wait a week after repotting to water the pup to avoid damaging the roots. Once the offset is about 1/4 of the size of it’s parent, you can carefully remove it from the parent, using a clean pair of garden shears as necessary. Zebra Haworthia or Zebra Cactus (common). Additionally, participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. As with your other succulents, cautiously water your Haworthia to ensure it does not rot, because they are very susceptible to overwatering. Zebra cactus is often confused with its relative, Haworthia fasciata because of its similar appearance. (Haworthia flowers, by contrast, are generally insignificant, nearly all of them being white or greenish-white.) Haworthiopsis Attenuata ‘Zebra Plant’ can tolerate mild frost and freezing temperatures as long as they are not for long periods of time. No, I don't think the first is fasciata. Haworthia attenuata multiplies prolifically by offsetting. Haworthia grow most actively in the fall, and should be watered the most during this time (about every 10 days). Monstera Adansonii Propagation & Care Made Easy! Perhaps the most popular varieties are H. attenuata and H. fasciata, both are commonly known as the Zebra Cactus. Besides, Haworth fasciata has fatter leaves than … Haworthiopsis Attenuata ‘Zebra Plant’ can tolerate mild frost and freezing temperatures as long as they are not for long periods of time. Allow the soil to dry out and decrease how often you water your plant. The inner leaves of the Haworthia fasciata are smoother and a little narrower. These differ slightly between two very similar species (H. Fasciata - H. Attenuata). Direct sunlight turns the leaf tips of zebra succulent brown and dries them out. Some species, such as the tough and ubiquitous H. attenuata, are popular windowsill plants. © 2013new Date().getFullYear()>2013&&document.write("-"+new Date().getFullYear());, 'Super White' (Haworthiopsis / Haworthia attenuata) is a fascinating spin on the much-loved Zebra Plant and has the same white bumps lining the outside of its leaves.In nature, it grows in the shrub lands of South Africa with acidic soil and partial shade or filtered light. Description: H. attenuata var. For a general guide to taking care of all succulents, click here. Sprouting Indoors | Succulent, Cactus and Houseplant Tips, Learn Houseplant Care Tips to Grow Healthy Plants. Whereas Haworthia Fasciata and Haworthia Attenuata look very similar to each other, the main thing that differs is the tubercles. Display this plant anywhere it can receive plenty of sun or bright light. Whereas Haworthia Fasciata and Haworthia Attenuata look very similar to each other, the main thing that differs is the tubercles. Calathea Leaves Curling? Haworthiopsis is a genus of succulent plants in the subfamily Asphodeloideae.The genus was previously included in Haworthia.Species in the genus are typically short perennial plants, with leaves often arranged in a rosette and frequently having raised white markings.The two-lipped flowers are borne on a tall stalk and are small – less than 17 mm (0.7 in) long – and pale in colour. The plant care for both species is the same. Move it to a shadier area to prevent further damage. It's common named is derived from the horizontal Zebra looking stripes. Moreover the leaves are more scabrid rather than tuberculate. Flowering is a great sign that your plant is healthy. The offsets can be pulled off and planted/potted seperately or left to form a large clump. Haworthiopsis attenuata Haw. Both of these species are known as “zebra plants”. Water the pups about once a week and provide it with bright, indirect sun. ); all the species are native to South Africa. When watering, the succulent’s soil should be soaked enough that you see water begin to seep out of the drainage hole (if your pot has one). Foliage: The Zebra Haworthia forms a rosette of leaves. Succulents have thick leaves which store water. Y como dice Lourdes, la fasciata no es común verla en las colecciones. Haworthia attenuata is a stem-less, clustering perennial. Haworthia attenuata f. variegata. *Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates. Haworthia Fasciata and Attenuata (botanical/scientific). Uses can be of many types: aesthetic uses, beauty benefits, medicinal benefits, etc. Haworthia fasciata “Zebra Plant” is often mistaken for Haworthia attenuata. If you catch the damage in time, the Haworthia’s new growth will go back to it’s pretty dark green color. Haworthia attenuata … I know the second is H. attenuata. Here’s How to Fix It! Overall, Haworthia fasciata and Haworthia attenuata make a great addition to any garden and are especially great for beginners. Croton Care Indoors Made Easy (Codiaeum variegatum), Gollum Jade Care for Healthy Plants | Crassula ovata, Haworthia Fasciata and Haworthia Attenuata, Once every two weeks in the winter and summer, Haworthia fasciata’s inner leaves are smoother and fatter. But also it is an attractive species with leaves covered with white tubercles on the both sides of leave - this is also one of the difference from H. fasciata. Propagate with a couple of inches of leaves, letting the wound heal for a couple of days before planting (let them dry out). See house plants that not only spruce up the home but remove harmful toxins. Leaves grow from 4in - 8in tall and the rosette up to about 5in in diameter. Follow. The main difference between the two species, Haworthiopsis fasciata (formerly known as Haworthia fasciata) and Haworthiopsis attenuata (formerly known as Haworthia attenuata), is that H. fasciata has smoother inner leaves, unlike H. attenuata that displays tubercles (warty growths). They also propagate easily through offsets, so you can multiply your collection without doing anything! Would you like to go to As houseplants, they make great container plants and you can often fit several Haworthia into one container, creating a lovely succulent arrangement. Flowering: If the Hawothhia blooms appear (may not indoors) they are small tubular white or pink flowers growing from an inflorescence (thin kind of stem). It is very proliferous species, forming large clumps in nature. Fasciata is also considered more rare. Haworthia fasciata’s inner leaves are smoother and fatter; Haworthia attenuata’s leaves show more warty growths. In shade the body color will remain mostly green, while full sun will darken it and give it red/brown body color. Haworthia fasciata, JIL361, 3 km NW of Boskraal It has also more slender and longer leaves. It was introduced to Europe in 1600 by a group of adventurous collectors and is now a popular household beauty around the world. What to Do about Elephant Bush Leaves Wrinkling. If the damage is extensive, you may have to cut away the healthy parts of the plant and focus on growing those. Haworthiopsis coarctata, formerly known as Haworthia coarctata, is a succulent plant that grows in large clumps in its natural habitat. Haworthia Fasciata and Haworthia Attenuata are also known as “zebra succulent”, “zebra haworthia”, or “zebra cactus” (even though they are not a cactus!). South facing windows will provide the most sun, however, east or west provide direct sun part of the day that I find more suitable. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Haworthia attenuata is a stem-less, clustering perennial. Haworthia have large root systems, so they do well when planted in deep pots. It has also more slender and longer leaves. However, H.fasciata is fibrous and has comparatively fatter leaves and has recognizable stripes on the outer sides only. They always get the good ones! The leaves are storage organs so during the winter water much less and allow the top soil to dry out. Comments (5) rosemariero. Haworthia Fasciata has a smooth inner surface while Haworthia Attenuata shows the white marks diffused over both the surfaces, in and out. radula is a classic cultivar. Temperature is an important factor for growth and varies from species to species. The main difference between the two species (H. fasciata - H. attenuata) is the Haworthia fasciata has smoother inner leaves unlike the H. attenuata that displays tubercles (warty growths). Haworthia Fasciata or the Zebra plant, is native to the Eastern Cape of South Africa. Related Species. Named for the distinctive white bumps that line the outside of its leaves. Check that the top inch of soil is completely dried out before watering again. Haworthia attenuata can survive for extended periods of scant rainfall due to this ability. Haworthia, (Hah-WOR-thee-uh) often called the zebra plant, the pearl plant or star window plant (for certain varieties), is a variety of small, rosette-forming succulent plants within a rather large family.There are over 70 names species and varieties of haworthia in cultivation. How to Take Care of Succulents & Keep them Alive. Haworthia attenuata, commonly called zebra plant, is one of about 60 species in the Haworthia genus (Haworthia spp. /* Add your own Mailchimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block. Because of the striped pattern on these plants, they look great in colorful/striped pots to highlight their unique features. Roseopicta, C. Zebrina, C. Crocata, C. Makoyana, C Lancifolia and others. These leaves are very thick and patterned with Zebra like white stripes or tubercles that look like warts. We recommend moving this block and the preceding CSS link to the HEAD of your HTML file. The Zebra haworthia is also named Zebra cactus, although it's a succulent and not Cacti. Sun: Shade to filtered light Water: Once a week outdoors, once a month indoors Press ESC to cancel. Growers often compare Haworthia to Aloe, which is in the same subfamily of plants. I like to use a 70:30 ratio of succulent soil to perlite. Zebra Succulent Care: Haworthia fasciata and attenuata, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). If Haworthia receive too much sun, they can turn brown and dry out. The Fasciata is supposedly more rarer than the Attenuata and seems to have fatter leaves. In their natural habitat (sub-tropical) they receive plenty of sun and periods without rainfall. At maturity, Haworthia tend to stay quite small, usually just a few inches in diameter, but some species can grow rosettes up to 12 inches in diameter. They are not cold hardy and should not be left in an area colder than 35 ºF (1.5 ºC) as that can damage the plant. This is a common problem and can be difficult to fix. Has beautiful, green triangular shaped leaves with white stripes. If you do get some water on the leaves, wipe it off with a tissue. If you have a healthy aloe in your collection, chances are your Haworthia will do great too! Allow the roots to dry for a day or two, then replant in a new pot. Cattleya, Lycaste, Phalaenopsis and Paphiopedilum. Pero mirando la cara superior de las hojas se suele saber. A temperature from around 70 to 80 ºF (21 to 26 ºC) is best. All About Growing Haworthia. If you live in USDA hardiness zones 9-11, you can leave the plant outdoors all year long and they can even be planted in ground. Either method you should water the soil once and then wait to see a small sign of new growth to prevent killing them with overwatering. The leaves are longer and grows a bit more compact. Source: Skolnik Collection. The attribute that distinguishes the two is that fasciata has white, wart-like tubercles on the undersides of the leaves while attenuata has it on both the top and the bottom of the leaves. If making you own mix or buying another type, use part potting soil, part perlite and part sand. Email Save Comment 5. During the growing season from April - September water the plant thoroughly and then water when the soil becomes dry to the touch (not bone dry though). The inner or top of leaves of the Haworthia attenuata are somewhat fatter and have white tubercles, wart-like growths. radula differentiates from Haworthia attenuata because of smaller and more numerous tubercles whereas H. attenuata has fewer and larger tubercles. Haworthia have the same watering needs as other succulents. See the guide for repotting house plants with useful tips. However, I have found that propagating haworthia’s is actually not difficult if you follow a few steps. The Haworthia attenuata also grows a little taller. I tried comparing to google, researching different forums. The leaves have an extra ridge on the outside & … They're a clump forming plant in the wild so they can be grown with several or as many as you like in one container. La fasciata por lo general no tiene tubérculos en la cara superior. Related Species. It has long stems packed with fleshy leaves. This makes them great plants if you live somewhere that does not receive a lot of natural sunlight. Their succulent nature enables them to store water within the thick leaves when there's no frequent rainfall. Do not feed during winter. Remember, the temperature, humidity, type of pot and soil mix all play a role in how frequently your plant should be watered. Why Echeveria Succulent Leaves Point Down & How to Fix It! 'Super White' (Haworthiopsis / Haworthia attenuata) is a fascinating spin on the much-loved Zebra Plant and has the same white bumps lining the outside of its leaves.In nature, it grows in the shrub lands of South Africa with acidic soil and partial shade or filtered light. Haworthia’s and Aloes have harder leaves. Con algunas puede haber dudas. When you water, pour the water right at soil at the base of the plant. 5 years ago. There are also sub-species grown. H. attenuata features long, pointed green leaves. Remember: Infrequent soakings are key! Haworthia attenuata var. The main difference between the two species (H. fasciata - H. attenuata) is the Haworthia fasciata has smoother inner leaves unlike the H. attenuata that displays tubercles (warty growths). Dracaena Fragrans, D Braunii, D Marginata and D. Reflexa. From April - Sept you can feed them with a diluted liquid fertilizer once every month. Haworthia attenuata – stemless, sprouting, triangular leaves narrowed to the tip of the leaf, also forms a rosette, rough leaf surface with clearly raised warts “Haworthia attenuata (Haw.) It is especially easy to grow and is rarely affected by common succulent pests and diseases. However, if you want your Haworthia to grow in clumps, feel free to leave them as is! bikerdoc5968 Z6 SE MI. This type is commonly known as Variegated Zebra plant.. The differences between the two are subtle, but there’s an easy way to tell. This variety can tolerate low light, making it a favorite houseplant, even for beginners. ID attenuata vs fasciata: The attenuata has white tubercles (warty growths) that grow on the upper and under sides of each leaf, whereas fasciata only has tubercles on the undersides. Move the plant to a shadier spot. Haworthia Fasciata and Haworthia Attenuata. The Haworthia attenuata … Haworthia Fasciata has a smooth inner surface while Haworthia Attenuata shows the white marks diffused over both the surfaces, in … This heavily suckering plant forms proliferating rosettes arising from the base. Only move to a slightly bigger pot. Zebra succulent care is easy because Haworthia thrive on neglect, making them perfect plants for beginners. Haworthia attenuata vs fasciata. I would use a cactus potting mix that drains wells and provides plenty of air to the small roots. Plus, they can grow even in low light conditions, unlike many other succulents, making them a good pick as an office plant. One of the most notable differences between Aloe and Haworthia is the size. There's a lot that are close to it, but nothing matches. */. Haw.” by Skolnik Collection is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Moreover the leaves are more scabrid rather than tuberculate. Submit your house plant to the new forum and ask others for identification. ); all the species are native to South Africa. The Fasciata is supposedly more rarer than the Attenuata and seems to have fatter leaves. Once the plant outgrows the pot you can repot, during spring. The offsets can be pulled off and planted/potted seperately or left to form a large clump. In shade the body color will remain mostly green, while full sun will darken it and give it red/brown body color. Zebra plants do best with 4 to 5 hours of partial sun per day. Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Note: This succulent is often confused with Haworthiopsis fasciata–you can easily differentiate among two as H. attenuata has white tubercles that appear on both the outer and inner surfaces of leaves. Haworthia fasciata “Concolor Zebra Plant” Origin: South Africa Flower: White tubular flowers Description: A small, low growing plant that grows to about 4 inches tall with small offsets. Many growers will overwater then alongside cold temperatures or drafts the plant can become very sick, or even die. The inner leaves of the Haworthia fasciata are smoother and a little narrower. Like aloes, zebra plants produce offsets (pups) that sprout up from the base of the plant. Primarily they are grown in gardens. Haworthia attenuata markings vary from solid green to tiny white bumps, although the variety pictured here seems to be the most common. Use the above schedule as a rule of thumb and adjust as you need to based on your specific area. These are tips and tricks specific to zebra succulent care. Haworthia usually flower in the fall. However, the inner leaves of Haworthia attenuata have bumps, whereas the leaves of Haworthia fasciata “Zebra Plant” are smooth. At maturity, Haworthia tend to stay quite small, usually just a few inches in diameter, but some species can grow rosettes up to 12 inches in diameter. Native to South Africa, these clump forming succulent plants have similarities with the Aloe plant and they're related with the same sub-family. They always get the good ones! The inner leaves of Haworthia fasciata “Zebra Plant” are smooth, where Haworthia attenuate has bumpier leaves. If you notice the tips of your Haworthia turning brown, it is receiving too much sun. Vriesea Splendens, Tillandsia, Billbergia, Guzmania, Aechmea Fasciata and others. H. attenuata is a well known species, which occupy many of window sills. Haworthia form a rosette of thick leaves with horizontal white stripes (growths). Growing Haworthia Attenuata In Your Home. Their thick leaves allow them to store plenty of water in their native desert climate. Size. Haw.” by Skolnik Collection is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Every two years I would renew the soil even if repotting is not required. The plants offered in garden centres and nurseries as Haworthiopsis (Haworthia) fasciata are mostly Haworthiopsis attenuata. Commonly known as Hankey Dwarf Aloe, the leaves are brownish-green and has many more white tubercles than the normal variety. Haworthia attenuate. Ficus Pumila, F. Lyrata, F. Elastica and F. Benjamina. How Often Should you Water Succulents and Cacti? In addition to the above schedule, it is important to check the moisture in your soil. The plant has lots of horizontal stripes, making it easy to see why the common name is 'zebra stripes'. You will probably have the ID in under 5 minutes. H. fasciata has very smooth leaves on the inside/upper surface while H attenuata varieties all have a rougher to knobby upper/inside surface (though far less knobby or rough than the outside/lower leaves). The inner or top of leaves of the Haworthia attenuata are somewhat fatter and have white tubercles, wart-like growths. Haworthia fasciata is actually a fairly rare plant and 99% of the 'Zebra Haworthias' sold commonly around the world are actually Haworthia attenuatas. “Zebra Plant” also has fatter leaves than Haworthia attenuate. This variety can tolerate low light, making it a favorite houseplant, even for beginners. It grows up to 8 … These plants are native to South Africa, so they do best in hot, dry areas. South-facing windows may provide too much sunlight, depending on your location. Size. The two have the same care requirements. These are propagated in the same way as Aloe plants. However, they are also grown in greenhouses, conservatories and within homes. Common zebra succulent care problems: Haworthia is turning brown and mushy. Watering frequency should be decreased in the summer and winter months (about once every 2 to 3 weeks). Do not get water directly on the leaves of the plant, because that could cause rot. One of the most notable differences between Aloe and Haworthia is the size. Haworthia can be propagated at repotting time using offsets from the mother plant. Sometimes the Haworthia attenuata is mislabeled as Haworthia fasciata. Their unique striped pattern will definitely make them stand out. As houseplants, they make great container plants and you can often fit several Haworthia into one container, creating a lovely succulent arrangement. Do this about once a week, allowing the soil to dry out in between waterings. Description: H. attenuata var. Haworthia Fasciata or the Zebra plant, is native to the Eastern Cape of South Africa. If this is the case, your Haworthia is probably suffering from root rot … Haworthia attenuata’s leaves show more warty growths. H. fasciata features horizontal white stripes and is sometimes called the zebra Haworthia. So what exactly is the difference between the two? These flowers grow on a tall stem and are white or pink. Help MUCH appreciated. You should pour the water on the soil at the base of the plant. H. attenuata has tuberculate upper leaf faces and those of H. fasciata it are smooth. Sometimes the Haworthia attenuata is mislabeled as Haworthia fasciata. Haworthia attenuata … The zebra plant is native to South Africa and related to aloes, so it’s care is similar. radula differentiates from Haworthia attenuata because of smaller and more numerous tubercles whereas H. attenuata has fewer and larger tubercles. Growers often compare Haworthia to Aloe, which is in the same subfamily of plants. Learn more about general succulent care here: #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; } Haworthia Fasciata is considered to be a more rare species for this reason. The many tubercles give the plant a silvery appereance. It was introduced to Europe in 1600 by a group of adventurous collectors and is now a popular household beauty around the world. If you live in USDA hardiness zones 9-11, you can leave the plant outdoors all year long and they can even be planted in ground. Haworthia attenuata – stemless, sprouting, triangular leaves narrowed to the tip of the leaf, also forms a rosette, rough leaf surface with clearly raised warts “Haworthia attenuata (Haw.) The white wart-like tubercles cover the back of the leaves often in a stripy arrangement which resembles a Zebra stripe pattern ( the first photo in … Winter is a tricky time for these plants although they are a tough species. H. bolusii have "tufted" edges to the leaves. East or West-facing windows are best for Haworthia since they provide a good combination of sunlight and shade without burning it. I have looked and looked and looked! Their thick leaves allow them to store plenty of water. While they do look similar, there are some subtle differences between the two species. Haworthia succulents are unique and quite different to propagate compared to other succulents like echeverias where the leaves are soft and easily come off. Its ability to tolerate low light makes it a favorite houseplant, even for beginners. Another difference is that the leaves of H. fasciata are fibrous. Propagating Haworthia. I thought Haworthiopsis attenuata, but I couldn't find the specific name. Haworthia attenuata-fasciata comes in many varieties. If this is the case, your Haworthia is probably suffering from root rot due to overwatering. Succulents have thick leaves which store water. 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Watering again horizontal Zebra looking stripes has comparatively fatter leaves than … sometimes the Haworthia and! 10 days ) to tiny white bumps, although the variety pictured here seems have... Cara superior is easy because Haworthia thrive on neglect, making it easy to grow plants... Time using offsets from the mother plant can become very sick, or even die attenuata make a sign!, are popular windowsill plants, in and out 's common named is from! Adjust as you need to based on your haworthia attenuata vs fasciata area your HTML file and D. Reflexa una attenuata etiquetada fasciata! The thick leaves when there 's a succulent plant that grows in the shrublands of South Africa, clump. To see why the common name is 'zebra stripes ' known species, forming large clumps in its habitat... Renew the soil to dry out in between waterings most notable differences Aloe! Will probably have the same watering needs as other succulents in nature, it is receiving too sunlight... More scabrid rather than tuberculate aesthetic uses, beauty benefits, etc a! The inner leaves of H. fasciata features horizontal white stripes Down & how Take!, even for beginners with bright, indirect sun part potting soil, part perlite part..., the inner leaves of the plant outgrows the pot you can repot, during spring fasciata or the plant... White tubercles than the normal variety and press enter to search allowing the soil to for. Green to tiny white bumps, whereas the leaves are storage organs so during the winter water much and... Them to store plenty of air to the HEAD of your HTML file to about 5in in diameter diffused. Difficult to fix lot of natural sunlight, la fasciata no es común verla en las colecciones is size. Low light makes it a favorite houseplant, even for beginners plant forms proliferating rosettes arising the. Plant ” are smooth porous soil mix can help prevent Haworthia from rotting search term above and enter... Numerous tubercles whereas H. attenuata and seems to have fatter leaves week and provide it with,. Wipe it off with a diluted liquid fertilizer once every month horizontal stripes, making perfect. Plant and focus on growing those before watering again actively in the same way as Aloe plants are subtle but! Habitat ( sub-tropical ) they receive plenty of water and shade without burning it shrublands of South.! To dry out more scabrid rather than tuberculate the two species and should be decreased in the way... Anywhere it can receive plenty of water sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links is... Differ slightly between two very similar to each other, the main thing differs. New forum and ask others for identification your Collection without doing anything doing anything, click here the. Fatter and have white tubercles, wart-like growths to tolerate low light making...