The command was, Get out of your country, from your family and from your fathers house, to a land that I will show you (Genesis 12:1). Abraham initiates the request for a real-estate transaction. The tower builders, in comparison, took no thought for how their project would affect future generations, and God criticized them explicitly for this lapse (Gen. 11:6). God also promised him the land that he stood on but Abraham remained in question on how this would happen. This required the work of worship, atonement, discipleship, and other religious occupations. God knew that Abraham would struggle with the call set before him, but He also knew that his struggle would produce great growth and faith. Donkeys carried loads (Gen. 42:26), and camels were especially suited for long-range travel (Gen. 24:10, 64; 31:17). Abraham, the first patriarch in the book of Genesis, is a figure of memory, legend, and faith. Hospitality (Genesis 18)- Abraham was very hospitable to strangers. According to the biblical book of Genesis, Abraham left Ur, in Mesopotamia, because God called him to found a new nation in an undesignated land that he later … Victor H. Matthews, “Nomadism, Pastoralism” in Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, eds. The builders sought fame for their own sake, yet they remain anonymous to this day. This would require the work of developing personal relationships, parenting, politics, diplomacy and administration, education, the healing arts, and other social occupations. God promised Abraham that he would be the father of many people. Also in Genesis 12, observe the statement in verse 7. As Hebrews 11:8 puts it, he had to “set out, not knowing where he was going.” In the world of work, believers must perceive the contrast in these two fundamental orientations. 139 “. In regards to the land that Jehovah has promised Israel, Genesis 15:18 declares to Abraham; “ To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates.” God later confirms this promise to Abraham’s son Isaac and Isaac’s son Jacob (whose name was later changed to Israel). God came to him and promised him a son as well as many more offspring…as many as there are stars in the sky. 2 Abram had become very wealthy in livestock and in silver and gold. Abraham’s name was originally “Abram”, which means ‘the father is exalted’. Abraham, Hebrew Avraham, originally called Abram or, in Hebrew, Avram, (flourished early 2nd millennium bce ), the first of the Hebrew patriarchs and a figure revered by the three great monotheistic religions— Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. As Abraham anticipated, one of the Egyptians—Pharaoh, in fact—did desire Sarah and she “was taken into Pharaoh’s house” (Gen. 12:15). However, unpleasant choices, no matter our feelings about them, are not the same as having no choice at all. They created their project out of fear that they would be scattered across the earth (Gen. 11:4). In Genesis 12, we read of Abraham (then called Abram) leaving Haran, where his father Terah had settled, and setting out to find the promised land. The comparison between Abraham’s immediate family in chapter 12 and Noah’s other descendants in chapter 11 highlights five contrasts. Most of the time, he wasn’t able to see the path ahead, but he held strong to the promise in his heart. Abraham was the first man chosen by God for a role in the plan of redemption. God renames Abram “Abraham,” meaning “father of many,” and gives Sarai a new name, “Sarah.” One day, God appears to Abraham in the form of three men. [5] Profit from shepherding was not stored as accumulated savings or investments on behalf of the owners and managers, but shared throughout the family. These matters can only be volunteered by the guest. Abraham, Sarah and Hagar, imagined here in a Bible illustration from 1897. Zacchaeus was responding, of course, to the relational generosity of Jesus, who had unexpectedly, and uncharacteristically for the people of that time, opened his heart to a detested tax collector. A leader is a … No matter how Abraham and Lot would prosper in the future, the fact that Abraham let Lot make the choice displayed generosity and established trust between him and Lot. Abraham is commanded by God to depart the house of his father Terah and move to the land formerly given to Canaan but which God now promises to Abraham and his offspring. A division had to be made, and Abraham took the risk of offering Lot first choice of the real estate. Their fear of engaging the fullness of creation coincided with their decision to substitute human ingenuity for God’s guidance and grace. The local Hittites freely offer a choice tomb. When Abraham and Sarah entered the country of King Abimelech, Abimelech inadvertently violated the rules of hospitality, and as restitution awarded Abraham free grazing rights to whatever land he wanted (Gen. 20:1-16). The example of Abraham and Sarah shows that this work can be profoundly important as a service to God and humanity. Join us for a study, then try it with your own group. Moreover, as the New Testament traces the descent of J… Making use of land requires many kinds of work, so a gift of land reiterates that work is an essential sphere of God’s concern. His name was changed to “Abraham”, which means ‘father of a multitude’, when God initiated His covenant with him (Genesis 17). He finds God’s word nearly impossible to believe. Although these promises were not fully realized by the end of Genesis, they initiated the covenant between God and the people of God through which the redemption of the world will come to completion in the day of Christ (Phil. This is called a theophany. Genesis 12 showed us the beginning of God’s work in Abram’s life. B. Eerdmans, 2000), 972. Abram believed God and went. While individuals certainly had their own responsibilities and were accountable for their actions, the communal nature of the family business generally stands apart from our contemporary culture of personal achievement and the expectation to show ever-increasing profits. He used the site only for the purpose he stated during the negotiations. When you read this promise of land to the descendants of Abram (or Abraham), one thing immediately comes to mind. Mesopotamia was one of the earliest regions to be inhabited after the greatFlood, and it was here that Abraham lived his early life. Abraham’s fears seem to have made him forget his trust in God’s faithfulness. Over 40 Old Testament references are made to Abraham. Bruce K. Waltke, Genesis: A Commentary (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2001), 216. Genesis 12:4 records that, after God called Abraham, he went “as the LORD had told him.” The author of Hebrews uses Abraham as an example of faith several times, and refers specifically to this impressive act: “By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going” (Hebrews 11:8). The fact of Abraham’s protection of water rights is therefore important, as well as the means by which he secured those rights. The initial results of Abraham’s journeys were not promising. It is through his lineage that the Savior of the world comes (Matthew 1; Luke 3). Even more engage in unpaid hospitality, offering it to others as an act of love, friendship, compassion, and social engagement. Second, the builders sought to make a name for themselves (Gen. 11:4), but Abraham trusted God’s promise that he would make Abraham’s name great (Gen. 12:2). All rights reserved. Abraham's immediate response is to give a tenth of everything to Melchizedek. In contrast, the tower builders believed that by their own skill and ingenuity, they could devise a tower “with its top in the heavens” (Gen. 11:4), and in so doing achieve significance and security in a way that usurped God’s authority.[1]. In the end, he received the title deed to the property with its cave and trees (Gen. 23:17-20). Biblical account Hagar. They had a son in their old age and called him Isaac, which means laughter. He swiftly paid the agreed amount. I. Howard Marshall, A. R. Millard, J. I. Packer, and D. J. Wiseman (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1996) 829. Colleagues, customers, suppliers, even adversaries, respond strongly to generosity and remember it for a long time. As we just read in Genesis 21 Isaac was born when Abraham was 100 years old. In Genesis chapter 12 we come not only to a new division and an important theological covenant, but most of all to a great and godly man—Abraham. Finding the balance between the optimal availability of usable pasture land and water required good judgment and intimate knowledge of weather and geography. Hospitality fosters good relationships, and Abraham and Sarah’s hospitality provides an early biblical insight to the way relationships and sharing a meal go hand in hand. Abram believed God and went. Thirteen years later, when Abram was 99 years of age, God declared Abram's new name: "Abraham" – "a father of... Isaac. The host provides the best he has available, despite what may be modestly offered in the initial offer of hospitality. The patriarchal narratives repeatedly mention the great wealth of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Gen. 13:2; 26:13; 31:1). Generosity is a positive trait in both personal and business relationships. Seemingly unaware of the situation, when Abimelech heard of the complaint he entered into a sworn agreement initiated by Abraham, a treaty that publicly acknowledged Abraham’s right to the well and therefore his continued business activity in the region (Gen. 21:27-31). But faith is not the word that comes to mind after actually reading Abraham's story in Genesis. Abraham replies that God will provide an offering. God justifies Abram because of his faith, and justification is an act of God full of promise. God promised a new land to Abraham’s family. Abraham’s Faithfulness Contrasted with the Faithlessness of Babel (Genesis 12:1-3) Back to Table of Contents God called Abraham into a covenant of faithful service, as is told at the beginning of Genesis 12. Isaac was the name of the son that came from the union of Abraham and Sarah; it would be through Isaac that the nations would be blessed. 13:2). If you want to offer hospitality and your home is too small or your cooking skills too limited, you might take someone to a restaurant or hotel and enjoy camaraderie and deepening relationships there. He promised to bless him and to make him a blessing to the world. Sarah believed she was too old to have a child and laughed. He falls on his face, symbolic of submission, trust and worship. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. However, God intervened by stopping Abraham from killing his son and by providing a sacrifice in the form of a ram caught in the nearby brush. Abraham quietly resolves to obey, and when he takes Isaac to the mountains, Isaac asks what animal they are going to sacrifice. 1 (1991): 13-15. ( H) where his tent had been earlier 4 and where he had first built an altar. The decision is not only a matter of who is in the right, but also of how the decision will affect our relationships with those around us. The guest must not ask for anything. His name was changed to ‘Abraham,’ which means ‘father of a multitude’, when God initiated His covenant with him (Genesis 17). Similarly, people in difficult situations often convince themselves that they have no choice but to do something they regard as wrong. At Sarah’s bidding, Abraham sends Hagar and Ishmael away. Abraham stands “before the LORD” in verse 22. When we cease to aspire for more than we can attain on our own, our aspirations become insignificant. So, a land would be given to the descendants of Abram - that's the essence of the first promise. For example, to soften the attitude of his offended brother Esau prior to their meeting after a long time, Jacob was able to select from his property a gift of at least 550 animals: 200 female goats with 20 males, 200 ewes with 20 rams, 30 female camels with their calves, 40 cows with 10 bulls, and 20 female donkeys with 10 males (Gen. 32:13-15). (Grand Rapids: Wm. In chapter 17 of Genesis, "Almighty God" changed Abram’s name to Abraham, for he would be a father of many nations. Godly work is willing to depend on God’s guidance and authority, and it desires to grow widely as a blessing to all the world. Produced by TOW Project, Bible Study: Wednesdays, Oct. 14 - Dec. 16, Theology of Work Project Online Materials, 10 Key Points About Work in the Bible That Every Christian Should Know, Beyond Rank and Power: What Philemon Tells Us About Leadership, Abraham’s Faithfulness Contrasted with the Faithlessness of Babel (Genesis 12:1-3), Her First Step to Launching a Business Was to Trust in God Instead of a Man (Click to Watch), The Pastoral Lifestyle of Abraham and his Family (Genesis 12:4-7), Abraham’s Journey Begins with Disaster in Egypt (Genesis 12:8-13:2), Abraham and Lot Parted: Abraham’s Generosity (Genesis 13:3-18), Abraham and Sarah’s Hospitality (Genesis 18:1-15), Abraham’s Dispute with Abimelech (Genesis 20:1-16; 21:22-34), A Burial Plot for Sarah (Genesis 23:1-20), Abraham and Lot Parted: Abraham's Generosity (Genesis 13:3-18), Jacob's Unethical Procurement of Esau’s Birthright and Blessing (Genesis 25:19-34; 26:34-28:9), Jacob’s Transformation and Reconciliation with Esau (Genesis 32-33), Joseph Rejected and Sold into Slavery by His Brothers (Genesis 37:2-36), The Schemes of Potiphar’s Wife and Joseph’s Imprisonment (Genesis 39:1-20), Joseph’s Interpretation of Dreams in Prison (Genesis 39:20-40:23), Joseph's Promotion by Pharaoh (Genesis 41:1-45), Joseph’s Successful Management of the Food Crisis (Genesis 41:46-57; 47:13-26), Joseph Creates a Long-term Agricultural Policy and Infrastructure (Genesis 41:46-57), Joseph Relieves the Poverty of Egypt’s People (Genesis 47:13-26), Applications from Joseph’s Management Experience (Genesis 41:46-57; 47:13-26), Joseph’s Dealings with His Brothers (Genesis 42-43), Judah’s Transformation to a Man of God (Genesis 44:1-45:15), Jacob’s Family’s Move to Egypt (Genesis 45:16-47:12), God Meant All for Good (Genesis 50:15-21), Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Their laughter at God’s plan showed their disbelief that He could do what He said He would do. [1] Around a settlement was a zone in which the individuals and the town were obliged to show hospitality. Again, God blessed Abraham and multiplied his possessions all the more. Abraham lived for 175 years from around 2165BC-1990BC. Ungodly work stems from the desire to depend on no one but ourselves, and it restricts itself narrowly to benefit only ourselves and the few who may be close to us. The skills required to maintain these herds would have involved grazing and watering, birthing, treating the sick and injured, protecting animals from predators and thieves, as well as locating strays. His wife, Sarah was still childless, so she told Abraham to sleep with her handmaid, so that they might get a child from the union. He apparently used two words for God -- El, the generic Canaanite name for the cosmic deity and Yahweh. There is no set of rules and regulations that can lead us to a mechanical answer. Abraham, the first patriarch in the book of Genesis, is a figure of memory, legend, and faith. This episode provides the background for the New Testament command, “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it” (Heb. Theology of Work Project Online Materials by Theology of Work Project, Inc. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. ( I) There Abram called on the name of the Lord. 3 From the Negev ( F ) he went from place to place until he came to Bethel, ( G ) to the place between Bethel and Ai ( H ) where his tent had been earlier 4 and where he had first built an altar. 25:6-9; Matt. They seem to have feared that spreading out in an apparently hostile world would be too difficult for them. In Genesis 15, Abraham had a vision. Contributors: Bob Stallman We would like to think Abraham believed God at once without any doubt, but this is not the case. He apparently used two words for God -- El, the generic Canaanite name for the cosmic deity and Yahweh. Even in the face of all these obstacles and tests, Abraham continued to trust God, believing that the heavenly ruler would re-establish his reign over the earth through his descendants. His father Terah had 3 sons: Abraham, Nahor and Haran. The generation of Jesus Christ is traced back to Abraham by St. Matthew, and though in Our Lord's genealogy, according to St. Luke, he is shown to be descended according to the flesh not only from Abraham but also from Adam, still St. Luke shows his appreciation of the fruits of descent from Abraham by attributing all the blessings of God on Israel to the promises made to Abraham. God promised Abraham that he would be the father of many people. Soon Abraham would become very wealthy, having acquired servants and livestock as well as silver and gold (Gen. 12:16; 13:2). ( F) he went from place to place until he came to Bethel, ( G) to the place between Bethel and Ai. The one verse everyone knows from Abraham's story is Genesis 15:6, "And he believed the Lord; and the Lord reckoned it to him as righteousness." They had a son in their old age and called him Isaac, which means laughter. 22:2-4). Abraham would have to fast for forty days Abraham would need to find ten righteous people living in it Abraham would have to organize and army and kill all the wicked people Abraham would have to preach in the city for forty days Genesis 18:23-32. 3:19), meaning that the payoff date was more than a thousand years in the future. It is in the name of God, the Most High, that Melchizedek blesses Abraham, and it is to God that he gives glory for delivering Abraham from his enemies. By leaving the territory of his faithless extended family and following God’s call, Abraham distinguished himself sharply from his distant relatives who stayed in Mesopotamia and attempted to build the Tower of Babel, as was told at the close of Genesis 11. Scripture also tells us that he was 86 when his first son Ishmael was born through Hagar, 99 when he was circumcised and 100 when his son Isaac was born through Sarah. The second group of promises is more general and goes beyond posterity and land. It is possible that as long a Terah lived it would have been difficult for Abraham to leave. To bring such blessings to all the earth, God called Abraham and his descendants to “walk before me, and be blameless” (Gen. 17:1). Mitchell. Abraham believed that God would raise Isaac back to life if the sacrifice actually did take place (Hebrews 11:19). Anthropological studies of this period and region suggest the families in these narratives practiced a mix of semi-nomadic pastoralism and herdsman husbandry (Gen. 13:5-12; 21:25-34; 26:17-33; 29:1-10; 37:12-17). He invited the three men to eat and killed a calf for them. To prevent this, Abraham told Sarah to claim that she was his sister rather than his wife. The generation of Jesus Christ is traced back to Abraham by St. Matthew, and though in Our Lord's genealogy, according to St. Luke, he is shown to be descended according to the flesh not only from Abraham but also from Adam, still St. Luke shows his appreciation of the fruits of descent from Abraham by attributing all the blessings of God on Israel to the promises made to Abraham. The narrator does not imply that Abraham is again wavering in faith, for the account concludes with worship (Gen. 21:33). From Old Testament descriptions and other ancient Near Eastern texts, Matthews derived seven codes of conduct defining what counts for good hospitality that maintains the honor of persons, their households, and communities by receiving and offering protection to strangers. In fact, there are certain passages that indicate Abraham’s strong faith that God would not take his son at all (Genesis 22:5, 8). In fact, the promise to Abraham will not be fulfilled completely until the return of Christ (Matt. [3] Because a family could not be entirely supported through shepherding, it was necessary to practice local agriculture and trade with those living in more settled communities.[4]. He promised to bless him and to make him a blessing to the world. This remains true today. I will return to you at the appointed time next year and Sarah will have a son.’ Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, ‘I did not laugh.’ But he said, ‘Yes, you did laugh.’”(Genesis 18: 13-15). “Abram’s life is a growth in faith developed under delayed fulfillment of divine promises. The hospitality industry accounts for 9 percent of the world gross domestic product and employs 98 million people,[2] including many of the less-skilled and immigrant workers who represent a rapidly growing portion of the Christian church. In this zone, the villagers were responsible to offer hospitality to strangers. Nevertheless, Abraham trusted God and believed God could accomplish what He had promised. A leader is a … Abraham's first son Ishmael was born to him and his wife's Egyptian maid Hagar and 12 … Eventually, the two had to part company in order to support their business activities (Gen. 13:11). Genesis 12:1-20. Pastoral nomads cared for sheep and goats to obtain milk and meat (Gen. 18:7-8; 27:9; 31:38), wool, and other goods made from animal products such as leather. Contrary to the staged bargaining that was typical of business transactions (Prov. In regards to the land that Jehovah has promised Israel, Genesis 15:18 declares to Abraham; “To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates.”God later confirms this promise to Abraham’s son Isaac and Isaac’s son Jacob (whose name was later changed to Israel). When Pharaoh found out the reason—that he had taken another man’s wife—he returned Sarah to Abraham and immediately ordered them both to depart his country (Gen. 12:18-19). Throughout this journey, he worked hard and experienced grief and blessings. On the other hand, Abraham had received God’s direct promise, “I will make of you a great nation” (Gen. 12:2). It may be hard to imagine being so desperately poor or afraid that a family would subject its female members to sexual liaisons in order to survive economically, but even today millions face this choice. In addition, his wife Sarai's name was changed to Sarah, for she would be a mother of nations. [7] They must have had ways of communicating with shepherds who took the flocks away at some distance (Gen. 37:12-14). 34:25-31). This lifestyle was inherently more God-centered in that Abraham would have to depend on God’s word and leadership in order to find his significance, security, and success. Binding of Isaac (Gen 22:1-19) Genesis 22 is foundational for understanding the biblical virtue of “fearing God”—that is, trusting God totally, within the context of covenantal relationship. Shortly after this, it seemed like God said to Abraham, “Hey, let’s make this official. World Travel and Tourism Council, Travel and Tourism Economic Impact 2012, World (London: 2012), 1. Genesis 11:31, states that it was Abraham's father Terah who took Abraham and left Ur. The Lord appeared to Abram and said, "To your descendants I will give this land." Sign up for Beliefnet's Bible Reading newsletter. God justifies Abram because of his faith, and justification is an act of God full of promise. Abram was called by God to live in a new land. In this way of life, shared values were essential for survival. Until this very day the child of Abraham, the … We know through Abraham that God always keeps His promises. In this zone, the villagers were responsible to offer hospitality to strangers. His first wife was Sarah, who lived 127 years and died around 2028BC. The traditional understanding of these verses emphasizes their proximity to Abraham’s circumcision in the preceding chapter and provides examples of ethical behavior to be emulated. But faith is not the word that comes to mind after actually reading Abraham's story in Genesis. In all situations, we are stewards of God’s resources, though it may not always be clear whether God’s purposes are better served by giving away resources or by protecting them. Another key theme thus emerges for the theology of work: God’s design is for people to work in healthy networks of relationship. 4. In both Genesis 12 and Genesis 20 a sojourning, scared, and self-preserving Abraham urges his wife Sarah to lie and say she is his sister. Eventually, deteriorating economic conditions forced him to pull out entirely and take his family to Egypt, hundreds of miles away from the land of God’s promise (Gen. 12:10). He transacted business openly and honestly, doing so in front of witnesses. Canaan, but north west decision to substitute human ingenuity for God -- El, the villagers were to... As righteousness. journeys were not promising simply because it was Abraham 's thought from cultivating a kingdom of as! 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