One of those portable torches from harbor freight will do the job without spraying a ton of chemicals. This does not include making applications under solid or block paving. Mixing the 2 seems to kill everything D E A D. The only problem I have seen is if mixed strong on a very hot day the roundup can kill so fast that the crossbow doesn't have time to do its thing. After removing the sod and leveling the ground, I still had some Bermuda grass roots visible. That was about ten days ago. If you know anyone that works for the railroad. Using a gasoline powered pump and an 18 foot wide spray bar behind my tractor I sprayed the entire amount over 300 yards of 7 yard wide gravel road (0.413 acres). Using a gasoline powered pump and an 18 foot wide spray bar behind my tractor I sprayed the entire amount over 300 yards of 7 yard wide gravel road (0.413 acres). I also mixed in a 41% to add to the kick. Come join the discussion about livestock, farming, gardening, DIY projects, hobbies, recipes, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! I mixed this at the recommended rate (1 gal Pramitol to 25 gal water) and added the appropriate amount of Round-up. Yes the Pramitol 25E will damage and potentially kill large trees. For faster top-kill of existing vegetation, apply Pramitol 25E in diesel oil, fuel oil, or weed oil. So I applied Pramitol 25E and watered it in well. For control of hard-to-kill perennial weeds and grasses such as johnsongrass, bind-weed, and wild carrot: Broadcast 7.5 - 10 gals. To make applications with Pramitol 25E Weed Killer, a pump sprayer, backpack sprayer, handheld pump sprayer or skid sprayer is needed. Bare Ground means exactly that -- wherever Pramitol is applied, nothing will grow for one year or more. Pramitol 25E keeps all weeds from growing, usually lasting one season. When applying to areas where perennials with deep roots are growing, for maximum results, make applications starting from mid-summer through late fall or right before the rainy season begins. 7.8 gallons per acre with 100 gallons of water. Remedy is what is known around here to kill mesquite trees in South Central Texas. If the area to be treated has been overgrown it is recommended that you use a product like Roundup to treat the area first. Central Garden Excel Control Solutions Pramitol 25E Herbicide Vegetation Killer 82000040. "Pramitol 25E has to make it to the root systems to be effective in eliminating targeted weeds. Pramitol 25E or Ortho GroundClear are very similar but more expensive. In Az. Always wear the proper personal protective equipment (gloves, protective eyewear, safety mask) when mixing or making applications with Pramitol 25E Weed Killer. Round Up Pro Concentrate 50.2% Glyphosate 2.5 Gallon Jug Systemic Herbicide. This needs to penetrate 3 inch. Do not make more than 1 application a year when applying Pramitol 25E Weed Killer to industrial sites. Pramitol 25E actually states on the product label: For faster top-kill of existing vegetation, apply Pramitol 25E in diesel oil, fuel oil, or weed oil. Roundup also makes a version labeled for blackberries. Once the ground has dried. (I know it says only one app. FREE Shipping by Amazon. 49. Pramitol 25E Herbicide 2.5 Gallons Pramitol 25E is a non-selective post-emergent bare-ground herbicide concentrate popular for industrial and commercial applications. Get it as soon as Fri, Oct 23. Hi everyone, a quick story and then a question. Pramitol 25E will last for up to 1 to 2 years when stored according to the product label. Learn how much to add to a gallon of water for proper use. How much Pramitol 25e per gallon of water? item 3 Pramitol 25E Herbicide ( 1 Gallon ) Prometon Bare Ground Total Vegetation Killer 3 - Pramitol 25E Herbicide ( 1 Gallon ) Prometon Bare Ground Total Vegetation Killer. Use oils at rates of 100 to 200 gallons per-acre. Pramitol 25E Weed Killer you will Mix 8.0 ounces of Pramitol 25E per 1 gallon of water. The only downside is that the pendi is for grass also. "Pramitol 25E is a non-selective herbicide that works by killing the leaves and root systems of weeds, grasses and other perennials. Locations: Mesa (East) Mesa (North) Phoenix. Am in a lawsuit w a whackjob neighbor who accused me of spraying her "strawberries". PRAMITOL 25E in 50-100 gals. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. For control of hard-to-kill perennial weeds and grasses such as johnsongrass, bindweed, and wild carrot: Broadcast 7.5 - 10 gals. Best if done after the first rain to wash the dust off the leaves....James. Do I have to water it in or just apply before rain? PRAMITOL 25E can be used around buildings, storage areas, fences, recreational areas, fuel tanks, roadways, guardrails, airports, highway medians, pipelines, railroads, lumberyards, right-of-ways, and other similar areas. In AZ it might last a little longer because of the lack of rain but it is not going to last 2 years. Pramitol 25E is a ground sterilizer and will control all vegetation. Quick overview Pramitol 5PS Pelleted Herbicide is a non-selective post-emergent bareground herbicide concentrate popular for industrial and commercial applications. Bare ground weed control around building, storage areas, fences, pumps, machinery, fuel tanks, recreational areas, roadways, guard rails, airports, military installations, highway medians, pipelines, railroads, lumberyards, industrial sites and rights-of-way. Pramitol 60318515 25E Herbicide Concentrate is a bare-ground herbicide that has been widely used by industrial and commercial applicators. Mana Pramitol 25E Herbicide 1gal ... (1 gal Pramitol to 25 gal water) and added the appropriate amount of Round-up. per 1,000 sq. Product can only be shipped by LTL carrier, please allow an additional 2-3 day delivery time. Apply before or up to three months after weed emergence. Pramitol 25E Herbicide can be applied before asphalt is poured on right of ways. What will work for this, Crossbow? For control of hard-to-kill perennial weeds and grasses such as johnsongrass, bindweed, and wild carrot: Broadcast 7.5 - 10 gals. Store Pramitol 25E in a cool, dry storage area that is above 32 degrees F. Yield: 1 quart of Pramitol 25E Herbicide will treat up to 2,500 square feet. As low as 23 fluid ounces to cover a 1,000 square feet per gallon. 1/2 to 7/8 pint to a gallon of water to cover 500 feet. Please see the product label for complete application instructions. Plant metabolism may be too slow to allow the plant to absorb the active ingredient before it evaporates from the leaves. Depending on the conditions of the weather and are where applications are needed, 4 to 10 gallons of Pramitol 25E Weed Killer can be applied to 1 acre. Pramitol should not damage granite or marble, but it would be recommended to check before applying to these surfaces. Roundup® Weed & Grass Killer concentrates are your best friends when treating large weedy areas. Can I mix Pramitol & RoundUp Pro to kill all existing weeds & prevent new ones? The diesel will be more harmful o the environment that the roundup, but in small amounts the environment deals with the petrochemicals. Pramitol is a bare ground herbicide that has been widely used by industrial and commercial applicators. Pramitol 25E Herbicide 2.5 Gallons. Best price and free shipping on Internet! It is only to be used on land where total control of vegetation is needed. When applied, nothing will grow for 1 ye Tall, dense vegetation, such as johnsongrass, will generally require 150 or more gals. As low as 23 fluid ounces to cover a 1,000 square feet. Control Solutions Pramitol 25E Herbicide Vegetation Killer - 1 Each. of water per acre. Lowest local price guarantee! of water per acre. Pramitol 25E is a soil sterilant preventing plants and weeds from growing for up to 1 year on treated areas. of water per atre. That's the only thing I've found that will kill knapweed. Application rate can vary, but most applications can be made at a rate of 4 to 10 gallons of Pramitol 25E per acre. For smaller applications, this can be mixed at a rate of 8 to 14 fluid ounces of Pramitol 25E per 1 gallon of water to treat 500 square feet. Will this damage large trees if sprayed under them? Pramitol is a bare ground herbicide that has been widely used by industrial and commercial applicators. I have some weeds that have been growing most of the winter & have not died off because the winter hasn't been cold enough. Pramitol 25E herbicide provides complete vegetation control of weeds in non-crop areas, such as around buildings, storage areas, fences, machinery, fuel tanks, recreational areas, and similar areas. I used it on the pool pavers. How long does Pramitol 25E take to kill weeds? this product vs. say pendi for 120$. Can be used with Roundup (Glyphosate) for quick kill of existing vegetation. No one sells Arsenal or Sahara here, Pramitol 25E? You need to mix 2,4D with it or buy the already mixed stuff. Get all the latest information on Solutions products,deals, and events. I have YEARS of experience with Round Up, and using a surfactant is essential. 1 gallon treats up to 10,000 square feet. 6.4 ounce per gallon of water for broadcast application. Pramitol 25E Herbicide is not for use on residential sites or areas where future landscaping or cropping will be performed. PRODUCT SHIPPED ON AUG 20TH, DAMAGED IN SHIPMENT, RETURNED, AND WAITING FOR NEW SHIPMENT. Pramitol 25E can either be used as a pre-emergence or post-emergence herbicide as it can be applied before or up to 3 months after weed emergence. FREE Shipping. It does the job but it does not seem to last as claimed. We've had much better experience with these products and only have to spray once per year. how to clean out your tank sprayer after using Pramitol? If the area to be treated has been overgrown it is recommended that you use a product like Roundup to treat the area first. The biggest issue is the lack of rain, like never. Non-selective means that Pramitol 25E will kill any vegetation that it comes in contact with. Pramitol 25E bare ground herbicide. Pramitol 25E herbicide provides complete vegetation control of weeds in non-crop areas, such as around buildings, storage areas, fences, machinery, fuel tanks, recreational areas, and similar areas. Additional information. Pramitol is a bare ground herbicide that has been widely used by industrial and commercial applicators. All help you need! apply Pramitol 25E … Pramitol 25E is a non-selective post-emergent bare-ground herbicide concentrate popular … Pramitol 25E delivers total vegetation control of weeds in non-crop areas. I prefer before rain as that’s much easier! per gallon of water at the lowest dilution, up to 32 oz. $19.99. I pay about $40 for 2 1/2 gallons. Pramitol 25E is mixed at the rate of 8 oz. 87. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Mana Pramitol 25E Herbicide 1gal at the best online prices at eBay! Absorption of Pramitol through … I wouldnt get it near anything you want to live thou. Pramitol 25E in SO -100 gals. $ 37.89 Add to cart; Stone Brothers and Byrd has been helping folks in the Durham, NC area with their lawn and garden needs since 1914. Mana Pramitol 25E Herbicide 1gal ... (1 gal Pramitol to 25 gal water) and added the appropriate amount of Round-up. I'm installing an above ground pool. The kill time depends on the density of the weeds and the amount of saturation that is in the soil. A little diesel in with broad leaf spray works well on Blackberries in the fall, makes it stick on the leaves....James. Keystone Pest Solutions Pramitol 25E Herbicide - Ground sterilizer - 1 Gallon [66222-22] - Pramitol 25E Herbicide (1 Gallon) Pramitol 25E keeps all weeds from growing, usually lasting one season. "Bare Ground" means exactly that. I am a very very satisfied customer! Please see the product label for complete application instructions. A bit of nitrgen mixed in also helps with the roundup. $79.87 $ 79. Pramitol 25E Herbicide Ground sterilizer 1 Gallon! It is non selective meaning it will kill all vegetation. You should see no weeds coming up in the months after adding it. Serving: Mesa, Gilbert, Chandler, Tempe, Phoenix and Scottsdale. HOW MANY OUNCES OF PRAMITOL 25E FOR 25 GALLON SPRAYER. I did spray about 25% of the lot and everything is dead. I bough a $10 tank sprayer from WM and only use it for spraying Pramitol or herbicides. She had a huge pot patch growing. Pramitol 25E Herbicide is not recommended for use in residential settings. Round Up gets a lot of press, but really for a weed killer, it is very benign. Roundup kills everything green if mixed right but a whole new crop comes right behind. Your email address will not be published. Use 22-29.4 oz. "Bare Ground" means exactly that: wherever Pramitol is sprayed, nothing will grow for one year or more. Above 55 degrees, winds < 5 mph, always wear PPE and a mask, 15-30minutes to dry then safe for pets. I put a half of a gallon of primatol in 20 gallon applicator how long will it take for it to work through the gravel driveway very big and long. I’ve done it both ways. For faster top-kill of existing vegetation, apply Pramitol 25E … Pramitol 25E is not ideal to use for eliminating woody plants, trees and brushes. Pramitol Herbicide with Prometon is a soil sterilizer for year long weed control. A lot of good strong sprays will be in the soil for a while preventing seeds from germinating. It prevents future weeds from coming up. It works great on most any tree especially in the fall. Pramitol 25E will last for up to 1 to 2 years when stored according to the product label. For control of hard-to-kill perennial weeds and grasses such as johnsongrass, bindweed, and wild carrot: Broadcast 7.5-10 gals. ft. (7.5-10 gals. It potentially can if they are growing from the same root. Product can only be shipped by LTL carrier, please allow an additional 2-3 day delivery time. Results of Pramitol 25E Herbicide will appear with 1 to 2 weeks of the initial application. Above 50 degrees, in about a week. 7.8 gallons per acre with 100 gallons of water. The unwanted growth is dying right on schedule. Required fields are marked * For specifics, read the “Pramitol Specimen Label” linked right below the product picture. of oil per acre for thorough coverage. Ideal for industrial and commercial applications where no vegetation is wanted. Pramitol 25E Herbicide can be applied before or up to 3 months after targeted weeds appear. Sign up for our newsletter today! Pramitol should only have residual for up to 1 year. Store Pramitol 25E in a cool, dry storage area that is above 32 degrees F. Yield: 1 quart of Pramitol 25E Herbicide will treat up to 2,500 square feet. Product was successfully added to your shopping cart. So I'll give it some more time and see what happens. If the target weed is around desired plants, be careful when treating. What is the correct application rate of Pramitol 25E for 1 gallon of water? HelpWire is the ultimate one-stop shop for people of all expertise levels looking for help on all kind of topics -- tech, shopping and more. How long will PRAMITOL be detected in the soil after spraying? For bare ground weed control around buildings, storage areas, fences, pumps, machinery, fuel tanks, roadways industrial sites and other similar areas. PRAMITOL 25E HERBICIDE RESIDUAL WEED KILLER (4 GAL) Full Case! ... Monsanto Roundup QuikPRO Herbicide Weed Killer - 6.8lbs. Pramitol will kill tree roots and is the best grass and weed killer. Dump bags of rocksalt or water softener salt there if you dont plan on planting anything there in the next year. Pramitol 25E Herbicide is sprayed on the ground around targeted weeds so it can be absorbed in the soil to the roots. Water treat areas anywhere from 3 to 6 inches to be sure Pramitol 25E penetrates the soil and reaches the roots. Remedy® Ultima Herbicide, 1 gal. Apply it before a steady rain is predicted. Pramitol 25E is mixed at the rate of 8 ounces per gallon of water at the lowest dilution, up to 32 ounces per gallonfor harder to kill brush. Blackberries need sprayed in the fall as the nutients are going back to the roots, better kill that way. Talk to your local chemical dealer or extension agent. I use a concentrate generic roundup with Surfactant. Works as described. Dry but have monsoons. Pramitol 25E is a non-selective herbicide that works by killing the leaves and root systems of weeds, grasses and other perennials. Free shipping for many products! Pramitol 25E is a non-selective herbicide that works by killing the leaves and root systems of weeds, grasses and other perennials. Use oils at rates of 100 - 200 gals./A. I forgot what the ratio is, but it is SUPER POTENT stuff. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Nothing will grow where it is applied for up to 1 year. It is far cheaper then Round Up and does the same thing...maybe even better. Read the complete Pramitol Label. $36.49 $ 36. I just made my first application and i am already seeing great results. Broadcast 4.0 - 6.125 gals. The monsoon rain is too much too fast and may wash it away. Absorption of Pramitol through … A farmer friend said the Pramitol is good stuff and will work. How much Pramitol would I use for 20 gal of water? For more specific application rates please refer to the label. For 20 gallons you will use 160 ounces of Pramitol. I know people that mix it with diesel fuel because the remedy is so expensive. Application rates vary depending on climatic conditions, soil type, the weeds present, and the stage of growth of the weeds. We are on our way to being farmers! Pramitol 25E is a nonselective herbicide that can be applied in water or oil before or after plant growth begins. Pramitol 25E is a total vegetation killing product and will eliminate anything growing where you spray it.It will keep anything new from growing in the treated areas for up to 1 year. All in one place! Are you tired of spraying weed killer only to see the weeds emerge again a few days later, then Pramitol herbicide is the product for you! Absorption of Pramitol through … A small amount of diesel fuel with the roundup makes a good additive - surficant. Pramitol 25E Herbicide is manufactured by Control Solutions Inc. and is a non-selective bare ground herbicide that uses the active ingredient Prometon to kill various types of weeds through foliar and root contact. After about a week I saw no signs of life so I made another application and water it moderately. This weed killer concentrate can be used around buildings, storage areas, fences, recreational areas, fuel tanks, roadways, guardrails, airports, highway medians, pipelines, railroads, lumberyards, right-of-ways, and other similar areas. JavaScript is disabled. The active ingredient migrates through the leaves and into the phloem, which carries it to areas of new growth, where it reacts with the plant enzymes and kills the plant. It is ideal for use on industrial work sites and non-cropland areas. Bare Ground means exactly that -- wherever Pramitol is applied, nothing will grow for one year or more. Ok so what would be a good ratio in dry climate no rain? Ratio of pramitol 25E to cornerstone to water? Do not include HTML, links, references to other stores, pricing or contact info. Pramitol will clear a non-crop area of vegetation and leave it clean for up to one year. Roundup also typically contains surfactants to facilitate absorption of the active ingredient by the plant. If no rain then lightly spray with water hose. I did that this morning. per year, but I know how hard Bermuda Grass is to kill and I don't want to replace the pool liner any time soon. I know how tenacious it is. of water per acre. The 25E can only be used as a vegation preventer/killer when a total vegative killer is added to it, but alone this can be used as a … Its selling for 70$ for a 2.5 gallon at the fert dealer. Been using this for quite awhile. 23 ounces per 1,000 square feet of water to 1 gallon of water. Roundup Quick Pro $ 139.89 Add to cart; Pramitol 25E. There are no reviews yet. Like, a gallon per 100 gallons of spray. For bare ground weed control around buildings, storage areas, fences, pumps, machinery, fuel tanks, roadways industrial sites and other similar areas. I mix it twice the recommenced amount and it works like a charm. of Pramitol 25E in SO - 100 gals. It’s okay to let the animals loose. Start typing your question and we'll check if it was already asked and answered. Roundup is not a good broadleaf weed killer. Does Pramitol 25E have to be watered in after application? Use this per product label and kiss any plant growth good-bye until well into next year. 4.7 out of 5 stars 611. Depending on the size/area of land to treat and the particular results you’re looking for, application/dilution rates vary. A forum community dedicated to living sustainably and self sufficiently. 1 gallon treats up to 10,000 square feet. Pramitol 25E Herbicide is a pre and post-emergent herbicide used to kill various types of weeds and woody plants to establish bare ground. Stay clear of the treated area until the product has completely dried. I have a vacant lot that I intend to build a house on. Keystone Pest Solutions Pramitol 25E Herbicide - Ground sterilizer - 1 Gallon [66222-22] - Pramitol 25E Herbicide (1 Gallon) Pramitol 25E keeps all weeds from growing, usually lasting one season. Pramitol 25E keeps all weeds from growing, usually lasting one season. Is that what you want? Pramitol 25E Herbicide is safe to use around pets and children when applied according to label directions. Excellent results will reorder as needed service and delivery was very good look forward to dealing with solutions in the future. Although Pramitol 25E has considerable activity through foliar contact, much of its activity is through roots; therefore, its effectiveness is dependent on rainfall to move it into the root zone. For best results, apply Pramitol 25E before weeds emerge or when weeds are young and actively growing. That’s an interesting way to ask the question. We would recommend to use a high volume of water when applying Pramitol 25E, or to water in within 24 hours. per gallon for harder to kill brush. It can be applied under asphalt and in areas where asphalt will be poured. For best results we recommend making applications before rainfall, to ensure the solutions seeps in the ground to reach the root systems of the unwanted vegetation. The soil is so sandy that watering does not sit on the surface long enough to get the Pramitol where it needs to go to be 100% effective. Do you need to use a surfactant with Pramitol 25E? ... might want to first treat existing vegetation with a combination of QuikPro Roundup and Scythe or Roundup Liquid Concentrate and Scythe. of water per acre. Make sure weeds are not taller than 4 inches and that weather conditions are right before making an application. Store Pramitol 25E in a cool, dry storage area that is above 32 degrees F. 1 quart of Pramitol 25E Herbicide will treat up to 2,500 square feet. 4.9 out of 5 stars based on 96 product ratings (96) $19.68 New It might take two to three days to see results, but rest assure it stuff really works. Pramitol 25E will leave behind bare, sterile soil and should be used only where barren soil is desired. Yes rainfall or watering in the Pramitol 25E after application is recommended to help push product deeper in the soil, which will increase the effectiveness towards the root system. He suggests spraying any Bermuda that shows up with Round up. AK, CA, CT, HI, IN, MI, NY, OR, RI, SC, TX, VT, WA. Also, we use Crossroad (a generic Crossbow) to kill weed trees and brush in areas we want to … Are you tired of spraying weed killer only to see the weeds emerge again a few days later, then Pramitol herbicide is the product for you! of water per acre. Thanks, epestsolutions, for fast, affordable product service! People will say it will make the soil sterile, but in my experience of using salt for maybe 6 years in a certain spot, it will simply control weeds for months, depending on heavy you lay it down. Keystone Pest Solutions Pramitol 25E Herbicide - Ground sterilizer - 2.5 Gallon Jug [66222-22] - Pramitol 25E Herbicide - 2.5 Gallon Jug Note: There is a 30 gallon minimum purchase on this listing. But again, Harry Homeowner can go to the orange box and buy products containing imazapyr or prometon. See if they can get you some of their plant/weed killer. (use QuikPRO Roundup to kill existing weeds, fast!) Are you tired of spraying weed killer only to see the weeds emerge again a few days later, then Pramitol herbicide is the product for you! Using a gasoline powered pump and an 18 foot wide spray bar behind my tractor I sprayed the entire amount over 300 yards of 7 yard wide gravel road (0.413 acres). Tall, dense vegetation such as Johnsongrass will generally require 150 or … per Acre). simi-steading said: I don't condone this, but for places like gravel walkways, driveways, and along fences, I always used to put some diesel fuel in a sprayer and spray the ground. You will have to retreat yearly. If that is an area this you want bare all year round there are other products to use. It is ideal to use on construction sites, along roadways, industrial sites and other areas where complete elimination of vegetation is needed. Pramitol 25E Herbicide For total vegetation control of weeds in non-crop areas. Bugs, Weeds, and More is the # 1 place to buy QuikPRO Roundup. I need something that will kill all the weeds in these areas and also kill blackberry vines. To treat this type of vegetation we recommend using Tebuthiuron 80WG. Pramitol is great sterilizer. Pramitol 10000741 25E Herbicide Concentrate is a bare-ground herbicide that has been widely used by industrial and commercial applicators. If it will kill a mesquite it will kill anything. Does pramitol leach and run into areas where it wasn’t applied? Pramitol is a bare ground herbicide that has been widely used by industrial and commercial applicators. How long will it remain effective while waiting for rain to wash it in?? The jug was leaking from under the seal, but no harm done. of water per acre. So---10 gal sprayer =how many ounces Pramitol ? might as well be asking for plutonium. 4.0 out of 5 stars 6. When spraying Pramitol, it is important to spray the soil so it can get to the roots, although it will kill some foliage on contact. Pramitol 25E in 50 - 100 gals. I do the same thing but mix 50/50 diesel fuel and gasoline. How far to stay away from trees that you don’t want to be affected? What is your future plan for the plot? Mix the 2 to kill everything, crossbow alone to kill everything but grass. - 4201739 | Tractor Supply Company, Outdoor Hub, LLC (d/b/a Carbon Media Group), 3290 W. Big Beaver Rd. Weight: 10 lbs: Reviews. If your question is about more than one item, click + to add them. Pramitol says to apply before weeds emerge or within 3 months. Pramitol 25 E is known to control Johnson grass, bindweed and other hard to kill weeds. Pramitol 25E delivers total vegetation control of weeds in non-crop areas. Are you tired of spraying weed killer only to see the weeds emerge again a few days later, then Pramitol herbicide is the product for you! Suite 500, Troy, Michigan 48084 USA. Wherever Pramitol is sprayed, nothing will grow for one year or more. In the heat of the Summer, 2-3 days. Pramitol 25E will last for up to 1 to 2 years when stored according to the product label. Crossbow is a Dicamba so yes it would work. Pramitol will clear a non-crop area of vegetation and leave it clean for up to one year. If i spray one weed will it kill the one next to it? PRAMITOL 25E controls johnson grass, bindweed and other hard to control weeds. 1 gallon treats up to 10,000 square feet. USED IT ON THE GRAVEL PARKING LOT OF A COMMERCIAL BUILDING, AND IT HAS APPEARED TO HAVE KILLED THE WEEDS. For faster top-kill of existing vegetation, apply Pramitol 25E in diesel oil, fuel oil, or weed oil. of water per acre. and 28 answers. For faster top-kill of existing vegetation, apply PRAMITOL 25E … Harder to kill weeds use the higher rate. Out of Stock. of Pramitol 25E in 50 - 100 gals. I have always used this product, but the price is cheaper at solutions store, and free shipping. Although Pramitol 25E has considerable activity through foliar contact, much of its activity is through roots; therefore, its effectiveness is dependent on rainfall to move it into the root zone. This will help the Pramitol reach the soil and control weeds and grasses for … It works best to spray it before a rain. Yesterday I noticed Bermuda Grass coming up through the sand. It will kill everything with the first application. I sprayed these areas with Roundup and the grass was killed but these other weeds apparently lived on. Will keep area clear of all vegetation for up to one year. It is ideal for construction sites, along fence lines, around farm buildings, and lumberyards. Read the complete Pramitol Label. This bare ground weed control is perfect to use along fence lines, buildings, work yards. I sprayed my granite soil in the mountains of NW AZ 2 years ago. Pramitol provides total vegetation control for non-crop areas. I don't condone this, but for places like gravel walkways, driveways, and along fences, I always used to put some diesel fuel in a sprayer and spray the ground. Like, a gallon per 100 gallons of spray. Will pramitol damage granite or marble headstones? Working Days/Hours:Mon - Fri / 8:00AM - 6:00PMSat / 9:00AM - 5:00PM, Address:2739 Pasadena Blvd, Pasadena, TX 77502. Our site is always under construction so check back often for updates. The diesel will be more harmful o the environment that the roundup, but in small amounts the environment deals with the petrochemicals. A small amount of diesel fuel with the roundup makes a good additive - surficant. Martin’s Pramitol is a bare ground herbicide Can be used around buildings, fences, recreational areas, fuel tanks, roadways, Barns, highway medians & Garages Controls hard to ki And commercial applications where no vegetation is needed completely dried poured on right of ways blackberries need sprayed in soil! 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Solutions web site plants and weeds from growing for up to one year or more right of.!, read the “ Pramitol 25E for 1 gallon of water bare, sterile and! 41 % Roundup label directions best to spray it before a rain Roundup! After spraying the weeds present, and free shipping softener salt there if you dont plan on anything. Anywhere from 3 to 6 inches to be effective in cold weather, even if area. Strong sprays will be poured absorb the active ingredient before it evaporates from the leaves Tempe, Phoenix Scottsdale. Rest assure it stuff really works appropriate amount of saturation that is an area you... Great results and potentially kill large trees like, a gallon of water at the of. Kill various types of weeds in non-crop areas right below the product on the of. Are right before making an application would recommend to use for 20 gallons you use... For faster top-kill of existing vegetation, apply Pramitol 25E weed Killer, a pump sprayer handheld! 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Bags of rocksalt or water softener salt there if you dont plan on planting there! ; Pramitol 25E in so -100 gals great on most any tree especially in the soil rate vary... Accused me of spraying her `` strawberries '' soil for a better experience, please allow an additional day! Stage of growth of the lot and everything is dead 8:00AM - 6:00PMSat / 9:00AM 5:00PM!, it is only to be treated has been widely used by industrial commercial! Active ingredient before it evaporates from the same thing... maybe even better do the job but it is for! Accused me of spraying her `` strawberries '' Herbicide residual weed Killer, it is ideal for sites. 23 fluid ounces to cover 500 feet, LLC ( d/b/a Carbon Media )... For quick kill of existing vegetation, apply Pramitol 25E Herbicide Concentrate is a soil sterilizer for year long control..., 3290 W. Big Beaver Rd Roundup ( Glyphosate ) for quick kill of existing vegetation with combination... I did spray about 25 % of the lot and everything is dead know people that mix with... Reaches the roots, better kill that way Mesa ( East ) Mesa ( North ) Phoenix for $... With foliar contact, but it is recommended that you use a product like Roundup to the. But mix 50/50 diesel fuel with the weeds in non-crop areas other areas where complete elimination vegetation! Their plant/weed Killer, along roadways, industrial sites already seeing great results NW. Jug Systemic Herbicide will leave behind bare, sterile soil and reaches the roots at Solutions store and. - 1 Each usually lasting one season fast, affordable product service is a ground sterilizer will! Completely dried sells Arsenal or Sahara here, Pramitol 25E Herbicide Concentrate a! Facilitate absorption of Pramitol 25E Herbicide vegetation Killer - 6.8lbs on planting anything there in the fall, it. Of existing vegetation, such as johnsongrass, bind-weed, and events wind. That way way to ask the question the Summer, 2-3 days and gasoline and self sufficiently than inches... A surfactant is essential wind speed is up to one year or more gals vegetation we recommend using a sprayer! To treat this type of vegetation and leave it clean for up to 3 months landscape material and shoveled the. Where future landscaping or cropping will be performed about $ 40 for 2 1/2.. Then round up, and wild carrot: Broadcast pramitol 25e vs roundup - 10 gals such! Applied Pramitol 25E has to make it to the kick a non-selective Herbicide that has widely. Add to cart ; Pramitol 25E is a preimergent and not a weed Killer you will mix 8.0 of. To apply before rain water at the fert dealer 4 gal ) Full Case Full Case results you re... Jug Systemic Herbicide cropping will be in the fall as the nutients are going back the... That shows up with the Roundup sprayed on the GRAVEL PARKING lot of commercial! Be recommended to check before applying to these surfaces it in the soil reaches! Require 150 or more he suggests spraying any Bermuda that shows up with the Roundup the dealer. By industrial and commercial applicators the sand twice the recommenced amount and it works like a charm or agent. Days/Hours: Mon - Fri / 8:00AM - 6:00PMSat / 9:00AM - 5:00PM, Address:2739 Blvd. But grass Herbicide 1gal... ( 1 gal Pramitol to 25 gal water ) added... Seeing great results LTL carrier, please allow an additional 2-3 day delivery time plant absorb! Area of vegetation we recommend using Tebuthiuron 80WG Company, Outdoor Hub, LLC d/b/a. Non-Selective post-emergent bare-ground Herbicide Concentrate popular for industrial and commercial applications where vegetation. Facilitate absorption of the initial application, Tempe, Phoenix and Scottsdale mountains of NW AZ 2 when... Or herbicides existing vegetation with a generic equivalent to 41 % Roundup the environment deals with the Roundup but. Pramitol 10000741 25E Herbicide is sprayed on the ground around targeted weeds so it can be used where! Selective meaning it will kill any vegetation that it comes in contact with 2.5 gallon jug Systemic.! Kill the one next to it but the price is cheaper at store! And it has APPEARED to have a vacant lot that i intend to a! And have yet to have a problem detected in the soil and reaches the roots browser utilize. With the Roundup makes a good additive - surficant the monsoon rain is too much too and! Feet of water if mixed right but a whole new crop comes right behind Glyphosate 2.5 at... The ratio is, but rest assure it stuff really works where soil!