form extract of the seeds and essential oils from various plant parts, show the plant to be rich in secondary metabolites such as modied, lites account for some of peppery taste of the seeds (. there is a dearth of report on the antiviral activity of the plant. © The Author 2017. multi-factorial drug resistant cancer cell lines. Conclusion: The present mini-review can therefore help to inform future scientific research towards the development of antiCovid-19 herbal drugs of relevance as well as nutraceuticals from these three plants species for the improvement of human health and wellbeing using reverse pharmacology approach. most of the ethnomedical uses of these spices. Also, amino acid analysis of the plant revealed that the plant con tains about 17 amin o acids whose concentrations were expressed in g/100g protein. Among the most important spices with antioxidant properties, plants, such as lamiaceae, rosemary, oregano, thyme, sage, marjoram, basil, coriander and pimento are predominant. The spices grow commonly in high forest areas of the south eastern region of Nigeria, as climbers, perennial creepers, or slim shrubs and trees and are available all year round (Sofowora, 1993). However different spices can perform other functions as nutrient sources, antioxidants, preservatives, insecticides and as medicinal plants for human use. According to A. Rish, Xylopia aethiopica is an evergreen, aromatic tree, growing up to 20m high. Another issue is how to determine the mode, of action deriving some of these therapeutic benets from the plants at, screening/isolation techniques have helped in isolating active ingre, dients that are essential to therapeutic function from herbs; yet, even, this approach is fraught with challenges, as it is increasingly becom, ing clear to researchers that plant phytochemicals tend to exert bet, ter biological function when they act in synergistic manner with each. extract showed the greatest antimicrobial sensitivity. Herbs and spices are plant-derived seasonings used for culinary pur-. They found that the leaf extract enhanced the tone, and frequency of rabbit jejunum and also induced contraction in, guinea-pig ileum which was blocked by atropine. The Himalayan spices were found rich in important nutraceutical components and equivalent to other commercially available spices. ily their ‘heat’ is about 5% to 10% of the content. Many people believe that increasing your intake of antioxidants that you will be able to fight off those cold causing infections. Aim: To provide an updated knowledge on the phytochemistry, toxicology and antiviral activity of some medically interesting Zingiberaceae species. Phytochemical Investigation of the molluscicidal Properties of Tetrapleura Tetraptera (Taub). Nevertheless, no meat was disliked by consumers. I’ll be discussing about some spices which should be included in our diet everyday. Lett., 12: 225—227. The extract of the fruit was investigated for antiplasmodial activity, alongside different extracts from 10 other W, were tested against both the chloroquine-sensitive strain and the, nolic fruit extract was also evaluated for its antiplasmodial activity, exhibited signicant blood schizonticidal activity with a considera-, ble mean survival time when compared with a standard antimalarial, drug, chloroquine. FAO Fisheries Report, 1991; pp. All rights reserved. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 2009; 8 (2):270-275. Importance’s of human resources in economic development. They also, submitted that its uterotonic action could be attributed to the alka, loid content. Background 1.1. antioxidant, hypolipidemic, antimalarial, vulsant, hypothermic, and anxiolytic effects in experimental animals, the fruit showed anti-inammatory activity in egg albumin-induced, pallet edema in rats. The fresh and dried fruits, leaf, stem bark and root bark essential oils showed various degrees of activity against the Gram positive bacteria, bacillus Subtilis and Staphylococcus Aureus, the Gram positive bacteria, bacillus subtilis and staphylococcus aureus, the Gram negative bacteria pseudomonas aeruginosa and the yeast-like fungus candida albicans, using the cup plate method. reported the biphasic effect of the ethanolic extract of the fruit in, rats at administered doses of between 1000 and 4000 mg kg, exhibited a signicant glucose lowering effect than the standard, analgesic effects against thermally and chemically induced pain in, mice. Selected issues are discussed below. In the terms of proximate composition such as ash, fat and crude protein contents, scent leaf had the highest composition than uziza leaf which was significantly (p < 0.05) different from each other. taub. The analysis for the vitamin contents of the spices showed the presence of vitamin A, B 1 , B 2 , B 3 and vitamin C. All four samples had high concentrations of vitamin C. The B complex vitamins for the four samples were of low concentration. Especially antioxidant vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E) and dietary fiber content have important roles in human health. Economic plants are defined as being useful either directly, as in food, or indirectly, as products we use or that enhance the environment. tional and antinutritional values of two culinary herbs – uziza leaf (, International Journal of Science Engineering Reseach, under different feeding regimes on growth performance and gut microbes, of broiler chicken. Results: For both species, fruits from ZONE V have the highest TPP, TFLV levels and biological activities. These are generally used in minimal quantities in comparison to the main ingredients of food, but due to the presence of various types of phytochemicals, spices are capable of increasing the nutraceutical value of the prepared food. (1995). Several plant secondary, metabolites have been shown to exert antioxidant activities through, Antioxidant, hepatoprotective, and hematological, suggested that the seed extract might possess hepatoprotective abil-, catalase and glutathione peroxidase—which points to the fact that, they were being used up. styles resulting from economic developments such as smoking, the skewed attention paid to communicable diseases as against, non-communicable ones in developing countries has, insidiously, further confounded the cancer blight in Africa (, The anticancer activity of dichloromethane leaf extract of, Investigation of the hexane extract of the leaves and seeds showed, varying toxicity against human myeloid leukemia (HL-60), human, hepatocellular carcinoma (SMMC-7721), human lung carcinoma, (A-549), human breast adenocarcinoma (MFC-7), and colon cancer, at varying concentration once weekly for 4 weeks, to germinating, treated plants were not attacked by insect pest, whereas the untreated, control plants were attacked. Furthermore, the p lant could effectively serve as dietary condiment, particularly at this time when the economies of most nations are on the decline. Culinary and herbal resources containing macro- and micronutrients are required to achieve nutritional deficiencies. with a zone of inhibition of 15mrn at the same concentration. Phytochemical constituents of some Nigerian medicinal plants, Aft. This could enable derivation of full dose of the required proximate, vitamins and phytochemical compositions and then better therapeutic effects could be also obtained. (an anti-nutrient) 8.87%.Its essential oil had 10% myristicin, elemecin, safrols, and dilapoil. antiplasmodial effect of the crude ethanol extract of, against human myeloid leukemia (HL-60) cell line, reported the weight control potential of leaves of, investigated the insect pest control activity of, on the levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, ). Is a West African Pepper, also known as Ashanti pepper, Benin pepper false Cubeb, guinea cubeb. The importance of spices is underscored by the fact that they are still found in 40% of drugs prescribed till date . The effect of water and ethanol extracts of, tial in male albino rats had a positive impact on androgenic hor, mone level and fertility potential in animals (, The effect of the ethanol seed extract on conception in mice as, rence of conception in the female mice after a 21-day administration, conating the male and female rats. Certain spices and herbs used alone, or in blends, can replace or reduce salt and sugar in foods. hypotensive, molluscicidal, CNS depressant. tochemistry and antimicrobial properties of, International Research Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Sciences, Anti-inammatory activity of grains of paradise (, J. was evaluated using gas chromatography (GC); showed that the plant could be good for phytoremediation of phen-. Allium stracheyi has shown far proximity, and Angelica glauca has shown proximity with the rest of the spices except Syzygium aromaticum and Curcuma longa. The cravings for spices have been on of the great factors in human progress and have done much to change the course of history and geography and to promote international relations (Akindahunsi and Salawu, 2005). of compounds isolated from the Zingiberaceous plants. cular diseases. There are also various claims about the usefulness of these spices, especially their use in fattening homes, and remarkable growth of new born babies whose mothers use these spices our results would aid in assessing their nutritional potential in relation to their ethnomedicinal uses by the people of South East of Nigeria. In times past, spices. The authors hope that this concise presentation on these spices will guide subsequent research in this field. This suggests that the extract may also offer, protection against oxidative stress. on some smooth muscle activity in rat, Guinea-pig, and rabbit. indigenous spices on the chemical stability of smoked dried catsh (, ents and the hypoglycemic potentials of the fruit of. According to Adesina et al (1980), tetrapleura tetraptera is a species of flowering plant in the pea family native to Western Africa. CONCLUSION The extract has activity against these fungi pathogens; an increase in the antibacterial activity as extract concentration, increased, suggesting that the extract could be useful in preventing, the growth of pathogens in food. Many spices aid in digestion and nutrient absorption when paired with beans, dairy and meats, and spices continue to add pleasing flavors to chicken and rice. (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({}); Disclaimer: Most are low in fat and calories but are bulky and filling. Barnett and Henter’s (1985) The nutritional characteristics of piper Guineenses. Phytochemical screening and Nutrient anti-Nutrient composition of selected tropical green leafy vegetables Aft. Aim: To provide an updated knowledge on the phytochemistry, toxicology and antiviral activity of some medically interesting Zingiberaceae species. Groups B, C, D, E and F were fed diets containing 0.5% aidan, 1.0% aidan, 0.5% aidan + 0.5% turmeric, 1.0% turmeric and 0.5% turmeric, respectively. why the plant has found importance locally in the management of, All parts of the plant possess molluscicidal activity and the activ-, ity has been linked to the presence of saponins (, ation conrmed the potential of this plant for the control of snails. The use of moringa oleifera as a food supplement in Nigeria to improve our health. Then experiment adding a few snips of one or a sprinkling of another to your favorite recipes. Fulfilling nutrition requirements of all human age groups is necessary for maintenance of health and quality of life. Ellen Messer and Marc Cohen in the first section of their article US Approaches to Food and Nutrition Rights, 1976-2008 provide a succinct introduction to the development of the human right to food in the United Nations system. According to the oxford advanced learners dictionary, property is a thin or things or quality that are owned by somebody or something, a possession or possessions: Culinary herbs are those annual, biennial or perennial plants whose green parts, tender roots or ripe seeds have an aromatic flavor and fragrance, due either to a volatile oil or to other chemically named substances peculiar to the individual species. It is a native to the lowland rainforest and moist fringe forests in the savanna zones of Africa. Top panel: dry fruits of T. tetraptera; bottom panel: dry seeds of the plant. Studies on these herbs have revealed that they contain powerful active components that might be effective for increasing human health and preventing cancer.These studies documented digestive stimulant action, hypolipidemic effect, anti-diabetic influence, anti-lithogenic property, antioxidant potential, anti inflammatory property, antimutagenic, and anti-carcinogenic potential of spices. Moreover, some plants are considered as important source of nutrition and as a result of that they are recommended for their therapeutic values. All samples had high contents of dry matter. Food provides energy and nourishment, and all foods come directly or indirectly from plants, of which considerable amounts are from plants classified as vegetables. Leaves are the typical plant product for herbs, while spices may come from the bark, berries, flowers, roots or seeds. of, and antagonized pentylenetetrazole (PTZ)-induced seizures. Often under-appreciated and viewed by some as a nuisance, insects are “lever pullers of the world”. Proximate analysis of the plant indicates that it has crude protein, protein (7.44%–17.5%), crude lipid (4.98%–20.24%), and crude, higher than the other bulk elements. 2. . As a source for ideas for your own research work (if properly referenced). As a source for additional understanding of the subject. By volume, red pepper products, pungent and non-pungent, represent some of the most important spice commodities in the world. Ther., 90: 157-177. The insecticidal efficacy of aqueous extracts of five Nigerian spices (Piper guineense Schum and Thonn., Aframomum melegueta (Roscoe), Xylopia aethiopica (Dunal) A. Cytotoxicity of some Cameroonian spices and selected, (2014). HPLC analysis indicated the. The extracts from ZONE V are the most active and T. tetraptera extracts have at equal concentration the most effective activities. presence of three alkaloids amines—piperamine. According to the thinkexist.con dictionary, it involves the principles of both physics and chemistry, depend on, or produced by, the join actions of physical and chemical agencies. It is often a challenge to quantify the effec, tive dose of these spices. Phytoremediation effect of, (PAHs) on articial crude oil polluted germinating. For various physiological reasons, experiments in human, close relatives (rats or apes) do not often exhibit similar outcomes. (18.25%), butanoic acid (8.35%), 2-methyl butanoic acid (7.58%), 2-methyl butanol (7.45%), butanol (4.30%), 2-methyl butenoic acid. It produces trumpet-shaped, purple-colored owers which, develop into 5 to 7 long pods with each containing as many as 300. spice, medicine, or for other preternatural roles. The plant is called Prekese (or, more correctly, Prekese) in the Twi language of Ghana. Scent leaf had the highest phyto-chemical contents such as in saponin, phenol, alkaloid, flavonoid and B - carotene than uziza leaf which was significantly (p < 0.05) different from each other. The herbs having a pleasing scent are called sweet, and since they have been long used in cookery to add their characteristic flavors to soups, stews, dressing, sauces and salads, they are popularly called culinary. J. Biotechnol. A better understanding of these factors is essential to explain the large variations in bioavailability observed among polyphenols and among individuals. analysis indicates that the plant has crude protein, carbohydrates. Rhizomes of several species are also used as insect repellents. commonly used in the South-Eastern part of Nigeria. Large uncertainties remain due to the lack of comprehensive data on the content of some of the main polyphenol classes in food. Spices are esoteric food adjuncts that have been used as flavoring and coloring agents and as preservatives for thousands of years. (Birt et al 2001). Proximate and mineral composition, phytochemical content, antinutrient content, and antioxidant activities of Himalayan spices have been analyzed for estimating their nutraceutical potential and compared with other commonly used spices. The dried fruits of X. aethiopica (Grains of Selim) are used as a spice and a traditional medicine. Aframomum melegueta (Zingiberaceae) seeds are used in West Africa, as a remedy for variety of ailments such as stomach ache, snakebite, diarrhea and anti-inflammatory properties. Adequate vegetable consumption can be protective some chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, obesity, metabolic … Phenolic and derivatives compounds of AEF were analysed using HPLC-DAD methodology. Official Methods of Analysis, 15th Edition. This research work is aimed at analyzing the physicochemical and antioxidant properties of culinary and local spices, with special reference to pipe Guineense (uziza), Xylopia Aethiopica (uda),, Monodora Myristica (Ehuru) and tetrapleura tetraptera (Oshosho). These spices have been described variously by (Smith et. Group A was the control, fed basal diet without aidan or turmeric. dative stress and disorders in lipid metabolism. The hentriacontane, content may be responsible for these actions as it exhibited anti-. The authors summarized that seeds, The health concerns due to side effects associated with the use of, antibiotics to improve animal production have created the need for, side effects have led to the ban on the use of antibiotic in livestock, have generated interest in herbs and spices as supplements in animal, third of the world’s swine and chicken rations in Europe now use, herbs and spices mixtures to accelerate growth and maintain health, Oil pollution and environmental degradation due to crude oil pros-, pecting activities of the Niger Delta region of Nigeria have war-, ranted the massive cleanup exercise of the area at a huge cost to the, phytoremediation—is a desirable option. Significant (p<0.05) improvements in phytochemical content were noticed for T. tetraptera and AEF extracts after heat treatment. The spices are an important part of human nutrition and the national economy. antioxidant and anti-inammatory active principles. The sensitivity screen ing revealed th at the fruits of Tetrapleura tetmptera exhibited antimicrobial activity against Salmonella typhi, Escherichia coli, Shigella spp and Staphylococcus aureus isolates. cating it to be of good nutritional quality, incorporation into diet. functions by stimulating the secretions of the testes, epididymis, The Role of Spices in Nutrition and Health: AReview of, role in the motility of spermatozoa; and thus, the reduction (20%), in fecundity observed. Four formulations of T. tetraptera/A. were used primarily for their organoleptic and preservative properties; have opened new vistas in the elds of nutraceuticals and functional. Plants constitute an important source of active natural products, which differ widely in terms of structure and biological properties. Historically, implementing nutrition policy has confronted persistent obstacles, with many of these obstacles arising from political economy sources. Ash content ranged from 6.33% (Piper guineense) to 11.78% in Rosmarinus officinalis. Foods supply nutrients that are critical for human growth. Healing Spices? The anti-inammatory activity of, is linked to the hentriacontane compound it contains (. Using this Service/Resources: Linquorice-induced hypertension—a new understanding of an old disease. Human nutrition, process by which substances in food are transformed into body tissues and provide energy for the full range of physical and mental activities that make up human life. While there has been increased global policy attention to improving nutrition in recent years, the difficulty of translating this policy momentum into results remains. Journal of Food Science 1991; 32: 432-438. Zingiberaceae is one of the major tropical plant families. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. They are mostly combined and preheated for many purposes while cooking. The fatty acid content had palmitic acid as the highest (49.44%), and stearic acid as the least (3.20%), while the short chain fatty. Overall, the health promise of the three spices reviewed remains, signicant, and the experimental results surveyed are in support of. One bird per treatment was selected, slaughtered and loin meat taken for proximate and sensory evaluation using 20 semi-trained test panelists and nine-point hedonic scale questionnaire. Piper guineense contains the lowest potassium level of (98.52 mg/100g) when compared with Myristica fragrans, Monodora myristica and Rosmarinus officinalis which posses (334.78 mg/100g, 316.64 mg/100g and 343.82 mg/100g) respectively. lows: total polyphenol (38.05–2907.15), avonoid (10.30–410.75), saponin (60.80–953.40), tannin (135.50–1097.50), and phytate, and characterized 44 compounds representing 98.5% of the oil. As observed by Grossman (1972), the positive contribution of “good health” to labour productivity is of particular importance to economic growth. Essential oils, oleorosin and other spices extracts contain important antioxidant activity which can be profited by food industry (Wojdyło et al., 2007). Thank you so much for your respect to the authors copyright. Thus herbs may be spices as well as herbs. Possible anti-tumour-promoting activity of components in, Japanese soybean fermented food, Natto: effect on gap junctional intercel-, and phytochemistry of the leaf and seed extracts of, ... citratum show their importance in many food habits, where they are commonly used together for many traditional recipes ("pepe soup", "yellow soup", "Mbongo Tchobi", "nkwui"). In this context, human is a logic ending of every action and mankind development history reflects his living in more useful conditions. Molecular docking of some naturally occurring isolate compounds against SARS-CoV-2 proteases is in progress. al., 2006). Plants, principally spices and herbs, have been given much more attention because they are considered important for flavoring and coloring foods and their use as condiments. Main body There is a bidirectional relationship that exists between nutrition, infection, and immunity; children are dying due to malnutrition that weakens their immunity and makes them more susceptible to pathogen attack. The Capsicum fruit are an excellent source of natural, micronutrient antioxidants (vitamins C and E and carotenoids) which appear to be critically important in preventing or reducing chronic and age-related diseases. damage by the methanol and chloroform extracts of, reduced glutathione was increased from a depressed level induced by, els—induced by chronic exposure to alcohol (4.8 g kg, ferase (AST), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP)) in Sprague-Dawley, rats exposed to a sublethal dose (300 mg kg, icity study in male and female Sprague-Dawley rats conducted, dose-related increase in liver enzymes in the experimental rats, ing increase in alkaline phosphatase with no signs of steatosis, be harmless (even benecial to the liver) at low concentrations, matory properties by inhibiting cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2), an, enzyme involved in generating pro-inammatory prostaglandins, in, rat paw edema model by 49% at concentration of 1000, guided fractionation using methanol, was implicated as the active, to an increase in the penile erection index (PEI), frequency of geni-, tal grooming and genital snifng, and an increase in mounting fre-, Pharmacological evaluation of the effects of intraperitoneal injection, secretion, and gastrointestinal transit time induced by castor oil in, rodents revealed that extract (50–200mg kg, inhibition of castor oil–induced diarrhoea in rats with mechanistic, studies suggesting its antidiarrhoeal activity stems from its ability, inhibit acetylcholinesterase activity with an IC, ous plant that grows on the fringe of the W, rainforest zone. For commercial re-use, please contact, and complement avor in foods with no detrimental effect on the, Herbs and spices elaborate secondary metabolites that form part, of the plants’ chemical defense. making the organism resistant to the extract. The result of this study will aid in appreciating the acclaimed medicinal properties of these spices and their age long usage by the people. They have played a remarkable role in the traditional medicine of various countries. and Aframomum citratum (C. Pereira) K.Schum from three Agroecologic Zones in Cameroon, Culinary and herbal resources as nutritional supplements against malnutrition-associated immunity deficiency: the vegetarian review, A Mini Review on the Phytochemistry, Toxicology and Antiviral Activity of Some Medically Interesting Zingiberaceae Species, Hypoglycaemic activity of preheated (roasting) Aframomum citratum (C. Pereira) K. Schum and Tetrapleura tetraptera (Schumach Thonn.) One of the most overlooked sources of amazing nutrients is healthy spices and herbs which comes with powerful health benefits while adding flavors to our food. Ask us anything! It aim in achieving this will go along way in analyzing their uses and their uses and their nutritional value. Spices and herbs are revered for their potential health attributes. Some of their beneficial properties are seen after long-term usage. Flavonoids have been reported to possess antioxidant, and antimicrobial activity on some microorganisms (. Dietary agents in cancer prevention: Flavonoids and Isoflavonoids. al., 2006). University of Ibadan. The ethanolic extract of the fruit, exhibited better antibacterial activity than the aqueous extract and, so was more potent against the test organisms. There was an increase in red and, white blood cells which might be due the nature and quantity of the. On the other hand, at a lower concentration of 31.25mg/ml, Salmonella spp was more suscep tible with a zone of inhibition of 12mm while the least activity was observed on Shigella spp at a con centration of 31.25mg/ml producing a zone of inhibition of 5mm. an important opportunity for income generation and economic empowerment. They make food taste good but may, not be delicious themselves, and bark., incomes and urbanisation rates classes in food against SARS-CoV-2 proteases is in.... Treatments ( a, B, C, D, E, and dietary fiber content of! ; 8th Edition, 1981: 534-537 Lepidoptera: Pyralidae ) and Clavigralla tomentosicollis Stal the economy... Diabetes in the development of human nutrition Fro... What is horticulture remarkable role in the development of nutrition! Both chemical and biochemical factors that affect the absorption and metabolism of polyphenols are reviewed, with many them! The study importance ’ s ( 1985 ) the nutritional quality of life behalf of University! 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