the mission statement includes the commitment to Catholic identity. The school community reviews the mission statement periodically. As a Catholic university, we’re guided by our clear mission, strong sense of identity and firm set of values. As a person moves through life stages (infancy, childhood, etc. An excellent Catholic school is guided and driven by a clearly communicated mission that embraces a Catholic Identity rooted in Gospel values, centered on the Eucharist, and committed to faith formation, academic excellence and service. Mission and Catholic Identity Photo by Roberto Sanchez via Catholic Identity Today 2 Catholic Identity Today: A Position Paper Catholic identity signifies our essence, our distinctive character, and our raison d’ etrè. Our schools have a vision and mission statement that is aligned with the BCE and Archdiocesan Mission and Vision statements. Mission, identity and values. I. Mature discernment regarding one’s identity and mission are important indicators of affective maturity. It is known throughout the school and all school constituents can comment on it. It is the soul of our schools. As we seek to live out our mission-in our classrooms, in our offices, in our relations with the rest of the world-we often find ourselves in disagreement about how best to embody our identity as a Jesuit Catholic university. 1.1 Gehlen Catholic School will invite parents of students to become part of the school faith community. Our system has developed a shared language and common understanding around Catholic school identity and mission. The Principles of Catholic Identity in Education articulate elements the Church expects to find in Catholic education. All three influence the decisions we make as an institute of higher education, and guide our staff and students in their day-to-day lives. Great leadership starts with self-knowledge. Catholic Identity Statement. We know who we are. As noted above, to embrace our mission … It is referenced regularly by the school community. Identity does not happen by itself as it seemed to when women and men religious staffed our schools. It influences the policies, procedures and actions within our schools. Standard 1: Catholic mission statement and its use. It … student, worker, profession, vocational path such as … Invite them to all school liturgies, as well as specific liturgical Mission and Catholic Identity Goals and Strategies 1. ), there will be many changes in the identity and mission, e.g. This series of brochures — also available in a single volume that includes text in Spanish — helps Catholic college and university leaders fulfill their responsibilities related to institutional mission. Inspired by Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, we, the University community, participate in her enduring legacy to make the love of Jesus visible in the world. Catholic education is an expression of the Church’s mission of salvation and an instrument of evangelization: to make disciples of Christ and to teach them to observe all that He has commanded. Gehlen Catholic School will value parents as the primary educator of their children. Provide a “map,” graphic organizer, or other depiction that reflects the integration of Catholic identity into all aspects of school life and culture. The principles soundly reflect the key themes in Church documents on education, including the documents of Vatican II, guidance from the Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education, and the teachings of various Popes. This legacy serves as the foundation of our Catholic identity and our mission, the Education of the Heart. Strengthening Catholic Identity .